Saturday, July 24, 2021

Queen's Blade Unlimited Story: Chapter 9-1a

We start the penultimate chapter, wherein a revelation is promised?


Chapter 9: It’s All Coming Back to Him (Part 1)

The story so far...
The truth of Queen’s Blade: whoever becomes the Queen must accept their role in waging a battle to chip away the Demon’s power. Leina is currently fighting in Maramaks—in lieu of the current queen Aldra, who can’t enter the sealed land. Meanwhile, Elina, in search of her sister, was approaching her destination.
Sending Ripples Through the World: The Witch’s Decision

Residence of the Swamp Witch.
In a courtyard hidden away by a screen, a creature about to rot at any time spread a fortune-telling scroll.
It might have been difficult to read, as her voice was sounding annoyed.
“Send ripples through the world... to obtain what you seek... what is hidden will be revealed... the truth will be jostled awake...”

Interested by that litany of seemingly meaningless words, Melona slowly built herself up, from her position as a puddle under the witch.
“So that *is* the result of the divination?”
The witch only offered a heavy sigh in response to the question.
“The flute *may be* about to return to its original owner...?”
“Not very decisive, huh?”

Of course, the witch wasn’t really known for making conclusive decisions.
“Melona, I have to ask thee to do something for me.”
“What about Menace?”
“Oh, her... I have... something else for her.”
The witch spread the scroll again, trying to read the revelation within it.
“The secret to revival... princess as sacrifice... loss of a friend...”
“Something awful seems to have come out.”

Melona slowly adjusted her shape, and looked into the scroll.
“At this rate, a catastrophe will visit thy so-called friends.”
“To Elina?”
Instead of replying, the witch turned the scroll over.
“The empress’ card... reversed position... fool’s card... upright position... I can’t read it accurately... Maybe it’s due to heavenly intervention, or the protection of those born under their lucky stars...”
“Fair enough. It’s not like you’d get it right anyways.”

The shapeshifter rudely interrupted the witch. The only reason her mistress ever allowed that is because Melona was her direct subordinate.
“So, what’s the job then?”
The pink girl let out a surprised sound.
“If I don’t hurry, it’s going to get dicey.”
“Do advance swiftly. Before the wheel of fate begins to turn...”

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