
Thursday, December 26, 2019

Queen's Blade White Triangle Story 3-1

Regarding the SW9 poll, "No thanks" won with 10v-38%, followed by "I might" with 8v-30%, then "Hah, as if!" with 6v-23%, and lastly "Not missing it!" with 2v-7%.
Hm, it was nowhere near as successful as everyone was expecting, was it now...?

For this week's poll, one of those Xmas questions!

And here we begin chapter 3 of the story, featuring the so-called swamp trio and the first appearance of Catboy's voice, but that's not all! The re-recording I did also should turn out a bit brighter than our past vids, hopefully giving the gals a bit more "pop"!


(We're taking a break next week tho, see you next decade!)

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Merry Christmas!

To celebrate, our fellow Discord mod The Evil Overlord commissioned a nice Shizuka & Siam pic for us!


Thursday, December 19, 2019

Queen's Blade White Triangle Story Tartarus Airi

For the opening poll, "Good!" won with 11v-68%, followed by "Alright" with 4v-25%, and then "Ehhh..." with 1v-6%.
Hm, that was a poll with only a handful of participants, too bad :(

And next poll is about probably the most divisive movie ever...?

Before we go back to the main story, one more Tartarus to show that they mean business!


Thursday, December 12, 2019

Queen's Blade White Triangle Story Tartarus Aldra-Nanael & Opening

Before I forget, bonus stuff was settled at Toranoana for Unlimited OVA 2, while the new WT cd with its songs is also up for preorder.

For the Triangle poll, Taylor won at the end with 10v-45%, Joan followed with 9v-40%, and Mei got 3v-13%.
Uuugh, I wanna have Joan playable already...

Next, we ask about the game's opening, see below!

So this week, we bring you not only the first 2 Tartarus appearances, but the game's opening, Trust, as well! We tried to match the song's tempo too, so you could even try singing along! XD (let us know if you do)

Fun fact: from what I hear, Tartarus Nanael's appearance had a bug where her outro never played, so you might be looking at something not even the japs saw! :3
Fun fact 2: we did commission a transcription of the opening a few months prior, but some parts felt iffy, probably due to the gratuitous English words. Thankfully, that's no longer an issue!


Thursday, December 5, 2019

Queen's Blade White Triangle Story EX1-3

The news of the week is undoubtably the so-called "renewal" of White Triangle, with many things as a revamping of the gameplay (anyone can attack and defend at any time, which seems to have made Melpha raise thru the meta as some kind of insurmountable shield to protect your other two), a critically hard stage 10 that ends the Triangle's arc, and Catboy actually getting a voice of his own, which you'll be able to hear in our next vids~!

For the "best Santa" poll, Airi won with 8v-21%, followed by Cattleya and Risty with 7v-18% each, and Yuit & Vante with 5-13%. After that, there was a 5 x tie between Nanael, Aldra, Laila, Gretel and Kaguya with 2v-5%, Ymir got 1v-2%, and Eilin got 0 alas.

And since WT is back, Triangle poll~

Aaalso, here we finish Old Clau's EX world!


Thursday, November 28, 2019

Queen's Blade White Triangle Story EX1-2

For the "richest girl" poll, Ymir and Aldra won with 11v-39% and 9v-32%, followed by Elina with 7v-25%, and lastly Clau got 1v-3%.
Heh, from Spiral Chaos, it didn't seem Ymir was great with math, so I'm not very sold on her being the richest, truth be told :)

Next poll, a funky Santa poll, considering either people with gift making abilities, or means like flying.

So, Old Clau kind of didn't show up last week in the end, but here she is for sure now :3


Monday, November 25, 2019

Happy Queen's Blade 14th Anniversary!

Aaand one more year passed us by!

For our recap:
-Game: White Triangle famously was released in March almost overnight, and set us back like a couple more years before we catch up with translating all of QB, yaay!
-Visual books: a WT mook came out with all the card pics and stuff, our pal ajay at the Discord scanned it too :3
-Anime: Unlimited OVA 2 resurfaced from the dead (clearly thanks to WT's success, amirite?), to be released next February!

Last year we were still looking at Unlimited's story, well that ended with 10 chapters. Will they actually be able to release the OVAs to cover them all...?

And once again, yours truly reached to the community for more swag pics, so without further ado and hoping I don't forget anyone, we start with Aldra Nun:

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Queen's Blade White Triangle Story EX1-1

We were laaaaaate on this update, our bad :(

For the QB Starters (round 2) poll, "Grass Alleyne" won with 16v-40%, while "Water Melona" and "Fire Nyx" tied not that far behind with 12v-30%!
Whew, a close call indeed! Who'd have thought it'd be so evenly split? Guess those game freaks know what they're talking about!

Next poll, a funky one about the richest girl! If it was in the whole history of QB, the answer would probably be Menace back in Amara, but let us be contemporaneans~

And in the WT story, we start with the EX worlds, Old Claudette's to be exact!


Thursday, November 14, 2019

Queen's Blade White Triangle Story 2-5b

Regarding the Ymir candy poll, "give her candy" won with 27v-90%, while "no candy" got 3v-10%.
Well, good for our dwarf, right?

For the poll, we got the QB/Pokemon starters round 2! You miiiiight remember that 4 years and a half ago, we asked this same question with Leina, Irma and Risty (which Irma won :3)... but in retrospect, that's kind of weird starter choices, ain't them.

And we finish chapter 2 of the WT story here, introducing the EX worlds!
Fun fact: me and my partner spent like a looooot of time brainstorming possible names for those, probably our most prolonged discussion ever and during which I might or might not have been accused of being losing my marbles, so we hope you like what we came up with and...


Thursday, November 7, 2019

Queen's Blade White Triangle Story 2-5a

For the Halloween scariest situation poll, "calling Melona a monster" and "threatening Rana in front of Cattleya" won with 10v-27% and 9v-25% each, then came "becoming Echidna's pupil" with 7v-19%, then there was a draw between "confiding to Elina that you're interesting in Leina" and "telling Menace that Anarista was right" with 4v-11%, and last was "becoming Alleyne's pupil being lazy" with 2v-5%.
Catt is always imposing, but I guess people don't forget how triggered Melona gets, huh?

And we finish the Halloween series poll with a candy one!

Regarding WT's story, we split this last part into two coz it was loooong... and it was perfectly divisible anyways.


Thursday, October 31, 2019

Queen's Blade White Triangle Story 2-4

Before I forget, against all odds, Unlimited OVA 2 was announced, for 28th February next year too! Seems WT has been quite the epic success! As is teased (and as we know), the crux will be the Elina vs Tomoe battle.

For the Halloween intimidating poll, the Witch won this hands down with 33v-82%, then there was Aldra with 7v-17%, and poor Cinderella got the silent treatment alas.

And we actually came up with another one, a funky situation poll!

Storywise, the bit regarding Elina and Nanael is settled now, but...?


Thursday, October 24, 2019

Queen's Blade White Triangle Story 2-3

For the WT mook poll, "might be interesting" won by a landslide, with 21v-77%. After that, there was "yeah, already got it!" with 4v-14% and "I don't think so..." with 2v-7%. No one voted for "sorry, not my cup of tea".
Hey, that's nice! And luckily enough, our pal ajay in the discord is in the middle of scanning it too, so we might even have it in full soon :3

And here we start a series of polls about Halloween! Can we come up with at least another one? Tune in next week and see, I guess?

In this next story bit, we hear more about Triangle?
(Fun fact: I'm not one to toot our own horn, but a throwaway line ended up becoming a joke with the perfect timing ♪ To fully appreciate it though, you'll need to rewatch it a biiit further down the line)


Thursday, October 17, 2019

Queen's Blade White Triangle Story 2-2

For the poll about April Fools' Betelgeuse-chan, "Hell yeah!" and "Yeah!" won with 7v-36% and 6v-31%, followed by "Double no!" and "No!" with 4v-21% and 2v-10%.
I can't believe it wasn't a 100% acceptance rate, did you see those curves...? Also, the original article added another pic I forgot to save, which was her exploding in page 41 Knocked Down, and you won't like it when she does that (real world spoilers)

Next poll, we never asked about the new WT mook!

And this new installment of WT story, EliNana time? (fun fact: the very last line with the pic ends abruptly barely letting you read the text, I had to stretch the video myself, that's why you might notice the music ending earlier than expected)


Thursday, October 10, 2019

Queen's Blade White Triangle Story 2-1

For FS' joke char, "no thanks" and "she looks creepy!" won with 15v-37% and 11v-27%, followed by "doesn't seem half bad" and "she looks hot" with 8v-20% and 6v-15%.
Oh, c'mon guys, don't be so mean...

And next poll, we double down on (and finish for now with) the April Fools stuff, asking about everyone's potentially most anticipated char...?

Storywise, we enter chapter 2, yay!


Thursday, October 3, 2019

Queen's Blade White Triangle Story 1-5

Before I forget, the White Triangle mook released this week! Still trying to find any kind of preview tho.

For the Queensland poll, Tomoe's Kata Demo won with 11v-40%, followed by Setra's Mystery House and Airi's Swamp Bath with 7v-25% and 4v-14%, and then Elina's Rollercoaster and Nanael's Merry-Go-Round got 3v-11% and 2v-7%.
Well, I never thought that choice would win out, coz you know, an image is worth more than a thousand words, as they say?

So we continue with past April Fools, now adding a touch of Cthulhu~

And we finish chapter 1, yaaaay!


Thursday, September 26, 2019

Queen's Blade White Triangle Story 1-4

For the morphin' poll, Luna Luna won with 17v-53%, followed by Alice with 10v-31%, last being Gretel with 5v-15%.
Well well, I would have sworn up and down that Alice's transformation was gonna win this one, what do you know...

Next poll, we go full funky with that April Fools from a few years back~

And in the story this time, can they stop the out of control Aldra?


Thursday, September 19, 2019

Queen's Blade White Triangle Story 1-3

For the undead poll, Menace took the win with 16v-57%, while Genjou and Liliana tied with 6v-21%. Yaaay, my waifu wins once again :3 Glad to see Genjou wasn't neglected either, too.

Next poll, it's mighty morphin' time?

And for the story, it's time for the Triangles to take center stage! (or like my partner likes to call them, "team Rocket")


*Just a note though: for some reason, Joan doesn't look very good in any video she's in. Her being our fave Triangle and all, we tried many ways to produce the vid for minimum compression, but even in the best case scenario, Youtube would compress it badly, alas. For the record, this is how she should look (from the video preview I get in the first place):

If you know your way around video compression and stuff and can help, let us know!

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Queen's Blade White Triangle Story 1-2

For the hot spring poll, "Elven Forest's open-air baths" won with 16v-50%, followed by "private rooms in Sheldan" with 10v-31%, and last was "warm bath in Iron Mountain" with 6v-18%.
Oh, poor dwarves, they're such nice hosts and everything...~

And here's an undead poll for ya, marking Genjou's first appearance in one of these! (if I remember correctly?)

As for WT's story, there's trouble a-brewing?


Thursday, September 5, 2019

Queen's Blade White Triangle Story 1-1

First of all, the discord has a QB roleplaying channel now, so go there if you're interested... just be sure to read the rules first, wouldn't be the first time we had problems with that.

For Liliana's granny poll, "Artemis" won with 13v-68%, while both "Dantan" and "Stephan" tied with 3v-15%.
So yup, Artemis was Liliana's granny, Dantan Melpha's, and Stephan is the name of the obscure dad of Anne & Al.
Plus, this poll has the dubious honor of having the least participants ever, yaay (?)!

This time, it's a hot spring poll, we've never had one of those!

Also, here we begin WT's story proper, yo!


Thursday, August 29, 2019

Queen's Blade White Triangle Alleyne Freetalk 1 (Prologue-2b)

For the Bunny Day poll, Melona won with 30v-75%, Kaguya following by far with 7v-17%, while Luna only got 3v-7%.
Well, I guess HJ is on to something when they keep using Melona for it, huh?

The poll this time is a funky thing about QB grannies, yo!

So here's the second half of the game's prologue, tutorials included! And now that we've taught you how to play the game, we start the story proper next time! :3

Speaking of which, just created a playlist here, where I'll keep adding all the WT vids as we release them!


Thursday, August 22, 2019

Master of Queen's Blade Excellent Graphics: Aldra, Tomoe

Before I forget, today this White Triangle mook was announced for release. No actual official word from HJ tho on the contents, but might be interesting if you like the game's pics, or if you wanna enjoy the exclusive codes featured there?

For the best mom poll, our Cattleya won it with 20v-58%, followed by a close call between Maria and Cyan with 7v-20% and 5v-14%, and last was Werbellia with 2v-5%.
Poor Werbie, she even got possessed too...

Now next poll, there's this bunny day in Japan that HJ keeps using Melona for, but is she the best choice? :D

And for this week, unfortunately we ran into some nuisance and had to resort to one of these for today, we'll try our best to continue the WT vids next week.


Thursday, August 15, 2019

Queen's Blade White Triangle Alleyne Freetalk 1 (Prologue-2a)

For the summer poll, "holidays" clearly won with 17v-70%, and the last two options were close to each other, with "beach" and "sun" having 4v-16% and 3v-12%.
Well, obviously holidays are holidays, amirite :p

And after the sisters' poll from a while back, a mom one now!

So here we continue WT's prologue, having chosen Alleyne as our main (not that it will matter in the long run) coz Youtube would prolly censor any other girl than Nowa. Also, though technically it's part of the prologue, the game still considers it the first of the freetalks, go guess.
Oh, and this game brings a few new funky terms that we had to give a serious thinking to, just in case something doesn't sound familiar.


Thursday, August 8, 2019

Queen's Blade White Triangle 0-0 (Prologue)

For the 9th blog anniversary poll, turns out "5-3 years" won with 11v-32%, followed closely by "8-5 years" and "3-1 years" with 9v-26% and 6v-17% respectively. Then, there was a draw at the extremes, with both "8+ years" and "1- year" at 4v-11%.
Oh, that's a lot of long-term followers there! And I didn't even expect people from beyond the 8 years, when this barely had any translations! :3 Then again, it takes one to know one, I guess? (uh, is that the correct usage...? lol)

Next poll, since WT got a summer event, summer poll, why not?

And here we start with WT's story! If you were wondering what the lol Catboy's adventures were like, boy do we have a tale to tell ya!


Thursday, August 1, 2019

Queen's Blade 4-Koma Theater #3-5

For the sister behavior poll, "Tarnyang & Sainyang" took it with 20v-54%, followed by the "Vance sisters" with 11v-29%, and then there were "Anne & Al" with 6v-16%.
Hm, technically Anne & Al didn't get a lot of time together, and while it's surprising than the twins beat the main classic sisters... I gotta agree with this one, Upheaval's CD was awesome with them in :3

And those of you who have visited this blog for quite a while will know that one of the few running jokes here is that I always forget the blog's anniversary until weeks after the fact... well not this time, bucko! So here we put a new spin on the poll we did when we made 5 years! :D

Now this week, here's a few more of the cute 4-komas! Again, thanks to our pal Anubite07 for the editing help!


Next week, let us lift the veil on Catboy's story~!

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Queen's Blade: Sword of the Unicorn, chapter 7-On the Queen’s Blade Novelization

For the candy poll, in the end Al and Gretel ended up tying with 16v-32%, followed closely by Melona with 15v-30%, and Maron barely got 2v-4%.
Heh, my partner did ask me why Melona was there, but I guess you people got no doubts about it...?

Another poll, how sisterly are the QB girls anyways?

And here's the very last chapter/afterword of the first volume of Sword of Unicorn!
Hope you guys liked it~!

It's a pity we gotta move on to another project (again, suffocating lack of proofreaders), so after a bit of 4komas for a change of pace, it's time to start WT :3


Thursday, July 18, 2019

Queen's Blade: Sword of the Unicorn, chapter 6-Afterword

Now that we're back, a little candymaking battle poll! :3

And here's the first of SOU's afterwords! Next time, we finish the whole book, yaay!


Thursday, July 4, 2019

Queen's Blade: Sword of the Unicorn, chapter 5-b

On the "QB land to be born" poll, "Gainos", "Hinomoto" and "Swamp" won with 15v-31%, 13v-27% and 12v-25% respectively. Then, there was "Vance domain" and "Elven forest" with 4v-8% and 3v-6%, while no one voted for dwarfland.
Hm, there was all kinds of variety here, I wonder...

No poll this week!

And here we made an effort to finish the epilogue this week, only the author notes and stuff remaining!
No posts next week tho, we gotta get a break every now and then!


Thursday, June 27, 2019

Queen's Blade: Sword of the Unicorn, chapter 5-a

For the Touhou poll, "I'm aware it exists!" took it with 14v-42%, followed by "I know it's a thing" and "I know all about it!" with 8v-24% and 6v-18%, and then there were "I think I've seen something" and "never heard of it!" with 3v-9% and 2v-6%.
Hm, so it's not really that popular, funny that... are gungirls or shipgirls more in now? Or monstergirls...?

Anywho, next poll, funky QB places all around!

And we make it to the epilogue! Just a few more bits until the story is finished :3


Thursday, June 20, 2019

Queen's Blade: Sword of the Unicorn, chapter 4-m

For the QB cosplay poll, "love it!" and "pretty good" won with 17v-50% and 14v-41%, with "meh" and "don't really like it..." trailing waaay behind with 2v-5% and 1v-2%, and no one voted for "not a fan at all!".
Hey, that's pretty good results! Guess they were on to something with that so-called Ko-rin project of theirs :D

Now, some Touhou poll, thanks to the Evil Overlord for bringing up the topic.

And we finish chapter 4 here! Basically only the epilogue missing now~
Also, technically the pic belongs to the battle in the previous part, but they were quite close together, weren't they now :3


Thursday, June 13, 2019

Queen's Blade: Sword of the Unicorn, chapter 4-l

For the new Pokemon game poll, "super looking forward to it!", "don't really follow it" and "fairly excited" won with 7v-28%, 6v-24% and 5v-20%, followed by "not convinced" with 4v-16% and "need to see more" with 3v-12%. Nobody voted for "looks like a mess so far!"
Heh, don't the votes form a nice ladder from 7 to 3~ Not a follower of the games myself, so I can't comment alas...

Next poll, QB cosplay yay or nay?

And we're right in the climax of the battle!


Friday, June 7, 2019

Queen's Blade 4-Koma Theater #2

Oh wow, this was actually posted in WT last tuesday, but they added so much stuff at the same time, I must have missed it, my bad :p
Anyhow, one more installment of the 4koma-thingies!

Nothing much to add from last time, but tsundere Irma is aaa~wesome! :3


Thursday, June 6, 2019

Queen's Blade: Sword of the Unicorn, chapter 4-k

For the Tartarus poll, "What's a Tartarus?", "Some are good!" and "I love them!" won very closely to each other with 12v-37%, 10v-31% and 9v-28%. "I don't really like them..." got 1v-3%, and no one voted for "I hate them!"
Well, not bad for a first impression, let's see how funky the rest of the cast gets, shan't we? :3

Now next poll, new Pokemon I hear?

As for the story, things are heating up! Time to enter the climax!


Friday, May 31, 2019

Queen's Blade 4-Koma Theater #1

Sup guys, so this took us a bit by surprise yesterday, but our HJ guys launched a new series of 4-Komas (short 4-panel strips) yesterday, featured in WT as well!

I had to mobilize my partner (lol, I'm so impatient sometimes) to get this one proofread quick enough, kudos to our pal Anubite07 for helping with the editing here too!


Thursday, May 30, 2019

Queen's Blade: Sword of the Unicorn, chapter 4-j

For the poll about QB's initial allure, "designs" and "PLOT" won with 19v-40% and 17v-36%, followed by "variety in gals" with 9v-19% and finally "plot" with 2v-4%.
Heh, so HJ did nail what they set out to do, wouldn't ya fellows say? "All according to keikaku", as I hear :3

Next poll, with the arrival of Tartairi in WT, here's a funky Tartarus poll~

Now things are not looking up for Leina, can she step up and face the music?


Thursday, May 23, 2019

Queen's Blade: Sword of the Unicorn, chapter 4-i

Regarding the "next chars in WT" poll, Rebellion clearly won with 27v-67%, and at the end of the poll were Grimoire, Gate and Spiral with 7v-17%, 4v-10% and 2v-5% respectively.
More Vante, Tarnyang and Laila, plz! :3

And here's one of those funky polls about QB's allure~!

The battle continues! What's happening with Airi?


Thursday, May 16, 2019

Queen's Blade: Sword of the Unicorn, chapter 4-h

Regarding the poll about haircut lengths, "Medium to Lower Butt Length" won with 20v-54%, followed by "Shortish to Shoulder Length" and "Lower Leg to Floor Length" with 10v27%- and 7v-18%.
Hm, 'just right', not too long and not too short, is that it? Goldie would be proud :3

Now, funky poll about possible additions to WT!

And things get piping hot in the final fight!


Friday, May 10, 2019

Queen's Blade: Sword of the Unicorn, chapter 4-g

Whoops, belated post! For the Fio vs Michel poll, Fio took it with 16v-50%, followed by "Can't stand either!" with 9v-28%, and then Michel with 7v-21%.
Yaay, Fio won... but hm, a good percentage of people don't like either, huh.

Next poll, haircut preferences in a design?

And in today's story bit, Leina vs Airi is go!


Thursday, May 2, 2019

Queen's Blade: Sword of the Unicorn, chapter 4-f

Regarding the funky "Laila losing a wing" poll from the other day, "fell and broke it" beat both "Nanael stole it" and "Eilin sold it", 21v-58% versus 12v-33% and 3-8%.
Heh, she was a bit of an airheaded klutz, wasn't she... :3

Now next poll, Fio vs Michel at last...!

And here we have Fio spilling the beans!


Thursday, April 25, 2019

Queen's Blade: Sword of the Unicorn, chapter 4-e

Regarding the WT starter gals poll, we got these results:

Nyx 10 15.38%
Melona 9 13.85%
Cattleya 8 12.31%
Menace 7 10.77%
Airi 6 9.23%
Tomoe 6 9.23%
Leina 4 6.15%
Irma 3 4.62%
Melpha 3 4.62%
Aldra 3 4.62%
Elina 1 1.54%
Claudette 1 1.54%
Echidna 1 1.54%
Alleyne 1 1.54%
Nowa 1 1.54%
Risty 1 1.54%
Ymir 0 0%
Nanael 0 0%

...Wait, Nyx winning, my waifu beating Airi and Nanael getting no votes? Now this I wasn't expecting at all :p

So next poll, some funky question about Laila!

And in this part of the story, we got one more pic as the masked woman reveals her identity! Who could it be? Who wouldn't it be!?


Thursday, April 18, 2019

Queen's Blade: Sword of the Unicorn, chapter 4-d

For the White Triangle opinion poll, "pretty neat", "didn't try it" and "it's great!" won--neck and neck--with 14v-27%, 13v-25% and 12v-23%. Then, there was "could be worse" and "looking forward to trying it" with 5v-9% and 4v-7% respectively, "awful" with 3v-5%, and nobody voted for "no point in trying since it looks terrible".
Yaaay, a fairly good response! And it'll keep getting even better too, with more story, the last game mode one of these days, maybe some balancing here and there, and if they fix the random disconnects, that'll be just the cherry on top~

And now for the follow-up poll (thanks to The Evil Overlord, who's also admin of the Discord now :3), who was your WT starter?

As for the SOU chapter, here's the other half of the song, and we approach the final fight!


Thursday, April 11, 2019

Queen's Blade: Sword of the Unicorn, chapter 4-c

For the Saint Seiya poll, Mirim beat my Menace 23v-67% vs 11v-32%.
Heh, it was kinda pushing it so far, but at least we had fun, didn't we~?

Next poll, what'd ya fellas think about White Triangle anyways?

And one more bit of the story, featuring half of one of those funky songs! :3


Thursday, April 4, 2019

Queen's Blade: Sword of the Unicorn, chapter 4-b

Regarding the Rurouni Kenshin poll, "Tomoe" beat "Cattleya" 38v-90% vs 4v-9%.
Loool, poor Giant Killer... tho, then again, it was a bit grasping at straws, admittedly...

Next poll, Saint Seiya's turn!

And here's one more bit of the story, Tomoe and Leina are still in hot chase!


Thursday, March 28, 2019

Queen's Blade: Sword of the Unicorn, chapter 4-a

Regarding the Bleach poll, Airi took it against Annelotte, with 39v-73% vs 14v-26%.
Heh, nothing like the real deal I figure...?

Now that we took care of DB + the so-called Big Three with the polls, it's time to gasp at straws :3

Also, let's start the final, longest chapter of the story!


Thursday, March 21, 2019

Queen's Blade White Triangle: Beginner's Guide!

For the kinda depressing poll about the wikia censoring, "get our own site" won with 24v-68%, followed by "Miraheze" with 4v-11%, then "something like" with 3v-8%, and for the suggestions, we had "Move were you are free", "", "make wiki like this" and "fight it. unless they delete the GoT wikia too, its hypocrisy".
Thank you very much for your participation everybody, our wiki admin is on the case getting backups and stuff (it seems our site isn't in their sights yet, but who knows if that might change), and we'll inform you here if/when there are more news.

And now we're back to our silly polls, Bleach coming next!

So, now that we've had some time to play around with White Triangle, it's time to make a funky guide for beginner/intermediate stuff you can't easily figure out (even the japs have trouble with some explanations, it seems).

To start the game, you first have to go to Bandai Namco's page, press "Sign in" and register an account there. Everything's in english, but make sure you choose "Japan" as the place you live in, or it won't let you use it in the game.

Then, just go to White Triangle's URL to get started, and choose the 2nd button to use the Bandai Namco account you just registered. After that, it's just a matter of choosing your favorite girl, and following the tutorial, which is rather straightforward (note that I chose the 1st option to play as a guest instead, because the Bandai Namco ID page was in maintenance):

(Also, we chose Alleyne coz we thought Nowa was the "tamest" to vanquish, let's see if Youtube still considers it too spicy somehow and threatens to ban us anyway!!)

And here's some additional notes that might help you, along with some english mock-ups by our friend LuisFS! For starters, the home screen:

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Wikia threatened by censors!

If you've spent any amount of time on our dear wikia, you might have noticed that some disgusting censors every now and then come and delete our pictures just cause.

Well, apparently those assholes have decided that was just too much small-time bullying, or maybe too time consuming, and have started deleting wikias wholesale... and ours might be on the list, yeah.

So that's the reason behind our serious poll this week, do you know any place where we could save our wikia without crazy people taking it from us? We're kind of discussing it on Discord if that's more convenient for ya. If you know any good option, let us know, okay?

Queen's Blade: Sword of the Unicorn, chapter 3-h

Whew, crazy day today!

First of all, Queen's Blade White Triangle is out~!

You can access it here, (again, you'll need a Bandai Namco account setting your country to "Japan"), and we'll talk more about the game soon, but go hurry up if you wanna see your gals kicking ass~
Oh and one more thing, in my Chrome it hangs after every fight and has visual errors, better go with Firefox.

For the poll about Naruto, Shizuka beat Izumi 27v-58% vs 19v-41%.
Guess Shizuka had the lead from the beginning, but Izumi didn't take "no" for an answer indeed, no sirree~

Next poll is way more serious, so I'll be making a post in a moment about it :(

As for the story, here's us ending chapter 3! One more pic too.


Thursday, March 7, 2019

Queen's Blade: Sword of the Unicorn, chapter 3-g

For the OP gals poll, Liliana beat Melona 39v-75% versus 13v-25%.
Kind of an expected result, but our slime gal did put up a valiant fight~!

Next poll, ninja time with Naruto!

And in one more bit of the story, a piece of the truth actually comes to light? Also, pic!


Thursday, February 28, 2019

Queen's Blade: Sword of the Unicorn, chapter 3-f

In case you missed it, we got some exciting news about White Triangle just yesterday!

About the Dragon Ball girls poll, Seiten beat Nowa with 22v-57% vs 16v-42%.
Man, I was soo~ sure Nowa was gonna take it...

And continuing with the Jump polls, it's One Piece's turn next!

Now, here's one more bit of Fio's story, with our mysterious guest traipsing around?


Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Queen's Blade White Triangle PV 2!

So all of a sudden, we got another PV for the upcoming browser/mobile game:

This time it's longer, with clearly better art (if I recall, Melona's WT look was introduced in the page just 1/2 days ago, concluding them all), and shows at least one move for each of the fighters, some of them harking back to the Spiral games. Also, an unexpected guest, plus Menace not having a bra and Nanael having polka-dots in her panties, which is something Spiral just couldn't give us.

Whee! What do you guys think~?

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Queen's Blade: Sword of the Unicorn, chapter 3-e

For the Valentine's Day poll, it's one of those polls with plenty of results, so here they go!

Nyx 20 9%
Leina 19 8%
Airi 16 7%
Tomoe 16 7%
Menace 15 7%
Echidna 14 6%
Melpha 13 6%
Cattleya 12 5%
Alleyne 11 5%
Risty 11 5%
Elina 10 4%
Shizuka 10 4%
Melona 9 4%
Claudette 8 3%
Irma 8 3%
Aldra 7 3%
Nowa 7 3%
Nanael 5 2%
Ymir 2 0%

Congrats to the winners! Leina was enough of a surprise up there, but Nyx winning...? Now that must be a first :D

For next poll, to celebrate Jump Force coming out, we're starting a few polls wondering who among our gals represent which famous Jump series the best!

This time around in the story, someone pops out and we get a new pic...!


Thursday, February 14, 2019

Queen's Blade: Sword of the Unicorn, chapter 3-d

For the KH3 vs RE2 poll, KH3 won by a small margin with 12v-30%, followed by a tie between RE2 and "BOTH!" with 11v-28%, and finally "Neither!" with 5v-12%.
Hm, quite the big names released at basically the same time, I sure can understand the hype for both...

Next poll, it's Valentine's!

And the next bit of the story finally deals with the long-awaited secret... what's gonna happen?


Thursday, February 7, 2019

Queen's Blade: Sword of the Unicorn, chapter 3-c

Regarding the spin-off chars poll, Cute won with 6v-24%, followed by Jean with 5v-20%. After that, there were Fio and Florelle with 4v-16% and Siam with 3v-12%. On the bottom of the poll were Michel with 2v-8% and Maron with 1v-4%.
Lool, so Jean was following Cute, and Fio and Florelle got the same number of votes? How fitting and cute :3

Next poll is about the brand new games that came out, which one do ya prefer?

The story gets quite steamy in this part, things are about to get heated!


Thursday, January 31, 2019

Queen's Blade: Sword of the Unicorn, chapter 3-b

For WT catty's gender poll, "cat" won with 25v-59%, followed by "boy" with 15v-35%, and last was "girl" with 2v-4%.
I very much predicted everyone would see him more as a boy than a girl... but lol, I never expected the joke answer to get so much love :3

Next poll is about those funky chars exclusive to one particular manga/game/series!

And in the next part of the story, Tomoe brings up an interesting tidbit?


Thursday, January 24, 2019

Queen's Blade: Sword of the Unicorn, chapter 3-a

For the VQ format poll, "both" won with 23v-14%, followed by a close race between "visual book" and "anime" with 14v-25% and 11v-20%, and then there was "neither" with 7v-12%.
Hm, seems it's quite split either way... I wonder if that was true about VQ not selling well in Japan due to it being considered too tame (of all things)?

And here's another poll, regarding the new cat-person from WT (who might or might not have been the anonymous partner in the ASMRs we saw last week?), what's their gender anyways?

Back with SOU, we start chapter 3 with a quite tantalizing pic that has Fio's ahoge reacting, yay~


Thursday, January 17, 2019

Queen's Blade White Triangle: ASMR Translations

For this week's news, VQ DVDs are getting repackaged with new art, see also here:

For the SOU poll, "I like it :)" and "I love it!! :D" won with 14v-56% and 6v-24%, followed by "don't care much :p" and "don't like it :|" with 4v-16% and 1v-4%. "I hate it :(" got 0 votes.
Yaay, nice to see it's getting a good reception, it takes forever to translate and proofread, y'know!

New poll, VQ-related, what kind of new VQ content would you prefer if something came out?

And this week we bring you the WT's ASMRs! They're admittedly short, but should give you some good enough insight into their personalities~


(Hit the jump for more)

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Queen's Blade: Sword of the Unicorn, chapter 2-g

For the poll about percentage of our polls answered, "90%~" and "more than 60%" won with 11v-34% and 10v-31%, followed by "100%!" with 5v-15%, and then there were "25%", "35%" and "less 10%" with 3v-9%, 2v-6% and 1v-3%.
Well, glad to see most of you are playing along with the polls, that's the spirit!

New poll, what'd ya think of this story so far anyways?

And for a bit more of the story, we finish chapter 2~, and we don't know what the so-called truth was yet...?


Next week: a small intermission arrives!

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Queen's Blade: Sword of the Unicorn, chapter 2-f

And we're back, let's see if this year brings us more QB goodness~!

For the WT characters poll, "Joan" and "Taylor" clearly won with 20-41% and 17-35%, followed by the "Cat avatar" with 8v-16% and "Mei" with 3v-6%.
Oh, poor Mei, even our unnamed protagonist gets more love than her... :p

Next poll, we're going meta, yo!

And resuming the story of what happened with Tomoe's time in the spotlight (what an inconveniently placed cliff-hanger, huh?)... we get now the grossest QB scene!? (VQ ramifications aside)
I mean, my partner didn't seem very fazed by it, so your mileage may vary... just don't say I never warned ya~!
