
Thursday, September 5, 2019

Queen's Blade White Triangle Story 1-1

First of all, the discord has a QB roleplaying channel now, so go there if you're interested... just be sure to read the rules first, wouldn't be the first time we had problems with that.

For Liliana's granny poll, "Artemis" won with 13v-68%, while both "Dantan" and "Stephan" tied with 3v-15%.
So yup, Artemis was Liliana's granny, Dantan Melpha's, and Stephan is the name of the obscure dad of Anne & Al.
Plus, this poll has the dubious honor of having the least participants ever, yaay (?)!

This time, it's a hot spring poll, we've never had one of those!

Also, here we begin WT's story proper, yo!



  1. Hey how do I make my attack cards stronger? I maxed out all of mine but there are some empty stars on them. What do I need to fill the black stars on my cards?

    1. You use the hammers in the 2nd tab to increase the stars. The Discord has a wt_basics channel with more info that should be useful.

    2. Ok then thanks. I guess I gotta buy some hammers form that shop then.

    3. You're supposed to get any of the 3 kinds of hammers by beating the stages the beautiful fighters are at on Hard difficulty... especially this week, where you get double rewards in the main quest.

    4. Well I'm on the Tomoe stage right now but I'm sure I'll really have to find a way to get stronger and more defence cause I barely beat Melphia of all people! LOL!!

    5. I guess you'd better not underestimate the power of holy poses.

  2. Been looking for that attack card for the longest time. As for beating Tomoe, She went Sailor Mars on me with those stupid spirit ward sheet. I'm really gonna have to get some stronger Defence and attack cards.
