
Thursday, August 1, 2019

Queen's Blade 4-Koma Theater #3-5

For the sister behavior poll, "Tarnyang & Sainyang" took it with 20v-54%, followed by the "Vance sisters" with 11v-29%, and then there were "Anne & Al" with 6v-16%.
Hm, technically Anne & Al didn't get a lot of time together, and while it's surprising than the twins beat the main classic sisters... I gotta agree with this one, Upheaval's CD was awesome with them in :3

And those of you who have visited this blog for quite a while will know that one of the few running jokes here is that I always forget the blog's anniversary until weeks after the fact... well not this time, bucko! So here we put a new spin on the poll we did when we made 5 years! :D

Now this week, here's a few more of the cute 4-komas! Again, thanks to our pal Anubite07 for the editing help!


Next week, let us lift the veil on Catboy's story~!

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