
Thursday, December 12, 2019

Queen's Blade White Triangle Story Tartarus Aldra-Nanael & Opening

Before I forget, bonus stuff was settled at Toranoana for Unlimited OVA 2, while the new WT cd with its songs is also up for preorder.

For the Triangle poll, Taylor won at the end with 10v-45%, Joan followed with 9v-40%, and Mei got 3v-13%.
Uuugh, I wanna have Joan playable already...

Next, we ask about the game's opening, see below!

So this week, we bring you not only the first 2 Tartarus appearances, but the game's opening, Trust, as well! We tried to match the song's tempo too, so you could even try singing along! XD (let us know if you do)

Fun fact: from what I hear, Tartarus Nanael's appearance had a bug where her outro never played, so you might be looking at something not even the japs saw! :3
Fun fact 2: we did commission a transcription of the opening a few months prior, but some parts felt iffy, probably due to the gratuitous English words. Thankfully, that's no longer an issue!



  1. I was looking at the intro and I swear I saw Menace do like a SF hurricane kick!!

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