
Thursday, October 17, 2019

Queen's Blade White Triangle Story 2-2

For the poll about April Fools' Betelgeuse-chan, "Hell yeah!" and "Yeah!" won with 7v-36% and 6v-31%, followed by "Double no!" and "No!" with 4v-21% and 2v-10%.
I can't believe it wasn't a 100% acceptance rate, did you see those curves...? Also, the original article added another pic I forgot to save, which was her exploding in page 41 Knocked Down, and you won't like it when she does that (real world spoilers)

Next poll, we never asked about the new WT mook!

And this new installment of WT story, EliNana time? (fun fact: the very last line with the pic ends abruptly barely letting you read the text, I had to stretch the video myself, that's why you might notice the music ending earlier than expected)


1 comment:

  1. I wonder How'd she fare if Galactus and Unicron were to appear in Queens Gate with universe eating appitetes in tow.
