
Thursday, July 25, 2019

Queen's Blade: Sword of the Unicorn, chapter 7-On the Queen’s Blade Novelization

For the candy poll, in the end Al and Gretel ended up tying with 16v-32%, followed closely by Melona with 15v-30%, and Maron barely got 2v-4%.
Heh, my partner did ask me why Melona was there, but I guess you people got no doubts about it...?

Another poll, how sisterly are the QB girls anyways?

And here's the very last chapter/afterword of the first volume of Sword of Unicorn!
Hope you guys liked it~!

It's a pity we gotta move on to another project (again, suffocating lack of proofreaders), so after a bit of 4komas for a change of pace, it's time to start WT :3


On the Queen’s Blade Novelization
Souvenir Shop Manager Hans

The first time I read the book, I got goosebumps. Leina, Tomoe and Airi were too cool!
The Nameless Continent is even crazier than I gave it credit for.

Greetings, I’m Souvenir Shop Manager Hans, the one in charge of the original Queen’s Blade game. When I heard the series would be novelized, I was worried, push that fanservice angle too much and all essential fight scenes and character interactions might end up feeling tacked on or dry but, remove too much sexy stuff and it just wouldn’t be Queen’s Blade. Of course, our characters are more than just “Afterschool seductive teacher” or “Immoral examination nurse” thrown in for cheesecake too, they’re all female warriors ready to put their lives on the line for what they believe in. And so, there’s this perfect balance of seriousness and sexiness needed for any story taking place in series. After all, it’s only when the fights are at their coolest and the fighters at their most beautiful that the audience can really get pumped up.

Thankfully, Mr. Eiji Okita understood this too. Following in the footsteps of the original “competitive visual books,” or hell, maybe even surpassing them, he depicted every fighter’s thought as they tried to one up one another perfectly in a back and forth of skills that had me reading on the edge of my seat.

Incidentally, the original game this novel was based on is the “Competitive Visual Book Queen’s Blade” series, published by our company. It’s your old-school kind of tabletop affair, no console or PC required.
Essentially a sword fight in book form, each character has a respective book with both visual and numerical data. For example, the “Exiled Warrior Leina” and the “Infernal Temptress Airi,” characters who appear in the book, are both sold as their own character books under the same titles. Using your favorite character’s book, you can 1 v 1 other players.
Each character’s design is handled by a skilled illustrator and since they’re filled to the brim with beautiful, exclusive pics, many fans like to collect them for their visuals alone. Mr. Eiwa, who provided us with his finest illustrations to date in this novel, also worked on 2 of the characters.

Each character has a slew of different actions they can select in battle, all displayed on the “character sheet” that comes with the book. Players start by swapping books while keeping their character sheets, doing so lets you see the adversary through your character’s eyes. Select any action written on the sheet (swinging, blocking, special abilities, you name it), and then declare it to each other before verifying the results via the book’s simple to use data system. If the attack succeeds, you damage your opponent, the first to drop their opponent’s HP down to zero or less wins.
It may seem simple at first, but the depth of strategy and potential for mind games makes for a truly innovative and incredible gaming experience.

Oh and, whenever you damage your opponent, you get to see a sexy image of them losing that item or clothing or protective gear too. Can never forget that. (All fully included with the package!)

“Competitive Visual Book Queen’s Blade” series, published by our company.
Size B5, full color, hardcover, each one costing around 1500 yen (tax included).
(Pic of Risty’s character sheet)
Character Sheet Example
A character sheet containing the actions a character is able to do in a fight. Make sure to keep it on hand during play.
(Pic of Leina’s Arm Wound)
Page Example
From series 1, the “Exiled Warrior Leina”. A specially tailored situation is illustrated on each page.

The tricky part with the original character books? There’s only so much detail you can reasonably go into background, motivation and character interaction wise. No real way to go in depth on their day to day lives. This novelization not only fixes that, but also introduces Fio, a charming, slightly more down to earth sort of individual, able to present a unique viewpoint so far unseen in the original works. Mixed with the craziness of Okita’s take on the world (high praise, I promise) and the Sword of the Unicorn and you get one hell of a story.

With Eiji Okita’s support, the world within the Queen’s Blade gets just a little crazier and with this book, the series gets just a little bigger.
Please stay tuned.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Congrats on finishing Sword of Unicorn! I want to get around to reading it all in full some time, I've only read a bit of it so far (but I know I like it already, I'm probably one of the few fans who's fine with some male characters, like Michael and Rana as well, being part of the series). I'd like to express my appreciation for the work you guys do for QB and its community of fans. I'm glad its still being loved and supported over 10 years later. Hopefully you guys find some proofreaders. I'll just repeat what I said in the previous post - that I'd be glad to throw my hat in, depending on what the job entails (need more details), not sure if I can even help but if it means eventually being able to read Message of Cattleya I'd be willing to try.

    Oh, and Melona is also the name of a yummy icecream popsicle (I used to watch QB with Melona episodes while eating the strawberry flavor, lol). I'd like to think Melona actually tastes like Strawberry Melona... except that some of her bodily fluids are acidic >

    1. Well, as for what the job entails, it would be basically rewriting most of the lines for both clarity and fluidity (tho admittedly, my stuff has improved a bit lately). A few people have tried, but they just shy away from doing many changes, and that's something my partner doesn't really like.

      If you wanna try, hit me up on Discord, and maybe we can talk about a test.

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