
Thursday, October 10, 2019

Queen's Blade White Triangle Story 2-1

For FS' joke char, "no thanks" and "she looks creepy!" won with 15v-37% and 11v-27%, followed by "doesn't seem half bad" and "she looks hot" with 8v-20% and 6v-15%.
Oh, c'mon guys, don't be so mean...

And next poll, we double down on (and finish for now with) the April Fools stuff, asking about everyone's potentially most anticipated char...?

Storywise, we enter chapter 2, yay!



  1. Hey what the heck is up with the arena mode?!! Everytime I'm on the verge of beating the enemy team, the site freezes up and I have to reload it!! This happens alot when I use the triangle triple team combo on the enemy's second and last player!! Are they sore loosers or what?!!

    1. Huh, maybe check your internet connection? I'm doing 10 arenas daily lately (coz of the new dailies) and I haven't really run into that kinda problem.

    2. you don't say. Well My internet conection is good. It works for all the other areas of the game with no problem it's just the arena mode. So what's your user name and level? I want to see If we can have a match to show you what I'm talking about.

    3. Well I'm leecherboy lv. 75, you can probably find me near the top of the arena if we happen to be in the same arena... but you know pvp isn't real-time here, right? The cpu controls the defender teams.

  2. Wow level 75?! Well that's way outta my range. I'm at level 43 LOL!! I handle's Saborrifa. It could be the enemey ai screwing up cause it happens alot when I start beating it. I will slow the match down to the point where the whole site freezes.
