Thursday, December 10, 2015

Unofficial Queen's Blade Gameplay Videos

About the "I'm Japanese" character poll, Tomoe won with 63v-78%, followed by Kaguya's 11v-13% and Izumi's 6v-7%. Hm, we tried to word it so that it was just whoever gave off the most "japanese feeling", but Tomoe still took it, huh? :3

And next poll, a tough choice about Nyx rather meeting Funikura or not...

So for this week's break, do you guys remember that unofficial, Chinese game we mentioned here like half a year ago?

Well my partner managed to nab one of 'em Windows Phones and tried to brave his way through it, leaving us with these few videos! I tried to cut all the times when the lag/loading time was taking just way~ too long, so even if there's a bit of aimlessly wandering around, we're still making the game look better than it is.



  1. The game is released in english on Android as "Clash of Cuties" with a terrible translation, btw

    1. Wut...? Oh, don't we feel dumb now, going the hard route.

      Yeah, I guess they modified the title so as to not get sued by HJ or stuff, but no doubt it's the same game:

    2. hell, I hate counterfeit. Should we give it a bad review and warn people about this app?

    3. I personally think it's hilarious, so nah, let it live.

      Still, shame they changed the colors for the 'english' version. I'll give it a shot later and see how many differences I can spot. But thanks for pointing us towards the english version Battle-Jesus!

  2. Hi! This is kind of unrelated, but I thought QB fans would appreciate it anyway. Speh from Sefuart was commissioned to draw a piece of Queen's Blade artwork featuring Alicia and Kaguya. It looks nice. (his official site has an alternate version that's more NSFW)

    1. Thanks a bunch for sharing! I'm the one who commissioned it so I'm glad QB fans will get to appreciate it.

      I'll be making a round up post for all the commissions I've made next week, so look forward to that!

    2. Lol, thanks for commissioning that. A part of me suspected that might be the case.
