Thursday, February 26, 2015

Spiral Chaos Freetalks: Arane (1 of 2)

For the previous poll about Pokemon starters, in the end we got a tie between normal-type Leina and dark-type Irma (36v-35%), while it was fighting-type Risty who lost (29v-28%). I guess you guys really like the dark types, if my Irma could even win in such a roundabout manner...~

So next poll goes to all you geophiles out there :3

And so, we begin the reign of the monster girls, first up's the most famous representative, I guess? Also, since we're still allergic to Japanese honorifics, "Arane-chan" became "Rany", for your info...

Can Jean help falling into Arane's clutches?


Thursday, February 19, 2015

Spiral Chaos Freetalks: Kotone (2 of 2)

For the previous poll, resurrecting Shizuka won with 32v-40%, while Anarista and Maria didn't trail that far behind with 27v-33% and 21v-26%. I'm a bit happy Maria did get that many votes, actually :3

So for next poll, shenanigans abound! These would be the first 3 QB girls released, that is...

And now, can Kotone get to understand Jean?


So on the same note, that's all the QG girls that ever were~! Time to look for more obscure girls now, for example...

Next: Arane (QB)!

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Queen's Blade Music Collection

Edit(05/09/21): Updated link.

About the quiz, in the end we got 53 participants, and only 14 of them got any of the 10 answers wrong, most in the 90-100% range, only like 3 in the 70-80%. So yeah, pretty easy after all, next one should be more of a challenge.

And next poll, who'd make a better resurrected fighter? Not an easy choice, that's for sure~

So about this week's post, we don't really use to do this, but I was asked not long ago in the wikia, so here it is, a collection of all the QB music CDs that I know of. Are there some hidden gems in there? Yes. Are any of the songs better than Buddy Body? Hm...~


Next week, we finish off all the Gate gals' freetalks, yay!

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Spiral Chaos Freetalks: Kotone (1 of 2)

For the last poll, Alleyne's naggy and constant training beat Echidna's nutty and capricious one by 60v to 34v, 63% vs 36%. So, what should I say, "you're too naive yet, 0 points!" ?

So this time my pal was feeling quizzy, so why not put a quiz in there? Sure can't hurt to try, I guess...?

Now, it's been a while since the last time, huh? Here's Kotone, "the little QG that couldn't", or something :p

Can the healer and nurse get along?


Also d'oh, intermission next week :(  Like my partner said, our nurse here ain't making it simple for us...