
Thursday, November 28, 2019

Queen's Blade White Triangle Story EX1-2

For the "richest girl" poll, Ymir and Aldra won with 11v-39% and 9v-32%, followed by Elina with 7v-25%, and lastly Clau got 1v-3%.
Heh, from Spiral Chaos, it didn't seem Ymir was great with math, so I'm not very sold on her being the richest, truth be told :)

Next poll, a funky Santa poll, considering either people with gift making abilities, or means like flying.

So, Old Clau kind of didn't show up last week in the end, but here she is for sure now :3


Monday, November 25, 2019

Happy Queen's Blade 14th Anniversary!

Aaand one more year passed us by!

For our recap:
-Game: White Triangle famously was released in March almost overnight, and set us back like a couple more years before we catch up with translating all of QB, yaay!
-Visual books: a WT mook came out with all the card pics and stuff, our pal ajay at the Discord scanned it too :3
-Anime: Unlimited OVA 2 resurfaced from the dead (clearly thanks to WT's success, amirite?), to be released next February!

Last year we were still looking at Unlimited's story, well that ended with 10 chapters. Will they actually be able to release the OVAs to cover them all...?

And once again, yours truly reached to the community for more swag pics, so without further ado and hoping I don't forget anyone, we start with Aldra Nun:

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Queen's Blade White Triangle Story EX1-1

We were laaaaaate on this update, our bad :(

For the QB Starters (round 2) poll, "Grass Alleyne" won with 16v-40%, while "Water Melona" and "Fire Nyx" tied not that far behind with 12v-30%!
Whew, a close call indeed! Who'd have thought it'd be so evenly split? Guess those game freaks know what they're talking about!

Next poll, a funky one about the richest girl! If it was in the whole history of QB, the answer would probably be Menace back in Amara, but let us be contemporaneans~

And in the WT story, we start with the EX worlds, Old Claudette's to be exact!


Thursday, November 14, 2019

Queen's Blade White Triangle Story 2-5b

Regarding the Ymir candy poll, "give her candy" won with 27v-90%, while "no candy" got 3v-10%.
Well, good for our dwarf, right?

For the poll, we got the QB/Pokemon starters round 2! You miiiiight remember that 4 years and a half ago, we asked this same question with Leina, Irma and Risty (which Irma won :3)... but in retrospect, that's kind of weird starter choices, ain't them.

And we finish chapter 2 of the WT story here, introducing the EX worlds!
Fun fact: me and my partner spent like a looooot of time brainstorming possible names for those, probably our most prolonged discussion ever and during which I might or might not have been accused of being losing my marbles, so we hope you like what we came up with and...


Thursday, November 7, 2019

Queen's Blade White Triangle Story 2-5a

For the Halloween scariest situation poll, "calling Melona a monster" and "threatening Rana in front of Cattleya" won with 10v-27% and 9v-25% each, then came "becoming Echidna's pupil" with 7v-19%, then there was a draw between "confiding to Elina that you're interesting in Leina" and "telling Menace that Anarista was right" with 4v-11%, and last was "becoming Alleyne's pupil being lazy" with 2v-5%.
Catt is always imposing, but I guess people don't forget how triggered Melona gets, huh?

And we finish the Halloween series poll with a candy one!

Regarding WT's story, we split this last part into two coz it was loooong... and it was perfectly divisible anyways.
