
Thursday, February 27, 2020

Queen's Blade White Triangle Character Songs (1): Joan

Regarding the "WT coming back" poll, "we don't have the best track record" won with 10v-35%, followed by "let's not lose hope!" with 9v-32%, and then there was "I don't think so" and "yes, else it'd be a waste" with 5v-17% and 4v-14%.
Hmm, no way I'm going to lose hope in the WT story continuing and my dear Shiwasu no Okina regaling us with more Triangle stuff, no siree... :D

Next poll, what did you think about SK collab anyway? (man, did I nail the vid thumbnail on that one :3)

And for this week, while my partner's not around, we start going over Triangle's character songs, in what some might call glorified AMVs~!
This was supposed to be a bit of hype for when they became playable in the game... but since this doesn't seem the case anymore, let's instead celebrate the awesomeness of the new characters of the first place! Starting with our strongest red oni, and her Badass Love!


(Let's hope Youtube doesn't get too uppity with the sexyness :p)

Btw, thanks to our pal Anubite07 for the summer attack footage :3

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Queen's Blade: Senran Kagura collaboration

Sup guys, after last time, it's time for another rare Queen's Blade collaboration it seems, and it's in one of the series that kinda appeal to the same demographic: Senran Kagura! (aka "Tits are life, ass is hometown")

More precisely, the Senran Kagura New Link game for Android, which you can find here and will continue the collab up till the 28th if you're interested:

So, what is a Senran Kagura New Link anyways? Well, it's quite a simple, hands-free RPG, where your team of 5 girls will do their basic attack most of the time, with you deciding when to use their special attack or their ultimate thing (as soon as they're ready, that is). And after the enemies in the last wave are finished, if all your teammates are alive there's a chance you can trigger a "New Link Chance" for a last attack ganging up on the enemy together.

Gameplay-wise there isn't much more to mention, but the main draw is rather the 3d models, which are quite nice, their animation very smooth and everything, and the game mode where you can make them wear all kinds of suits, earned from event stages or shared with their mates (you do need to find some keys to make any suit available for one girl though).

I should also mention that the gacha rates are quite shit (0.5%), and there's no pity/spark system either, but thankfully yours truly managed to beat the odds twice and got a Leina after around 900 gems (21 multipulls), combining 4 rerolls, and an Airi after 200 gems more (5 multipulls) :3

And now, on with the goodies! The last collab post might have been more of a picture filled one, but this time I made a nifty vid, yo~!

And here are some timestamps for your enjoyment! (first time doing these, yay)
00:00 - Opening collab scene
01:57 - Leina comes home!
03:03 - Airi comes home too!
04:11 - Battle: Airi
06:23 - Battle: Leina
07:45 - Title and diorama: Leina
11:30 - Title and diorama: Airi
15:46 - Dressing room: Leina
20:43 - Dressing room: Airi
25:12 - Evolution! Souji (Alleyne suit)
25:44 - Dressing room: Shouji (Alleyne suit)
27:11 - Evolution! Airi & Leina Bikini
28:08 - Battle as Bikini Leina
30:35 - Battle as Bikini Airi
31:31 - Title and diorama Bikini Leina
32:00 - Dressing room Bikini Leina
33:17 - Title and diorama Bikini Airi
34:01 - Dressing room Bikini Airi
35:05 - Event scene (SK = Hinomoto? lol)

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Queen's Blade White Triangle Story EX2-3

The sad news of the week is that White Triangle announced that it will close its service on May 18th, just 1 year and 2 months after it started :(

To recap what it left us with, storywise: they literally nailed the Triangle arc, showed us 8 "ex" worlds, introduced 6 tartarus, gave us 5 events plus the mother of all events (the summer one), and gifted us with 10 new freetalks per character, and 28 funky 4-komas (if you want to count them). Not bad for an unassuming little game, huh...~

Regarding the male Holy Pose poll, "anything for my waifu" won with 20v-60%, followed by "if I really have to" with 8v-24%, and then a close race between "she can tough it out" and "I'm too shyyyy" with 3v-9% and 2v-6%.
Heh, makes one understand Melpha's plight a little better, doesn't it? :3

And this poll had to be about the soon-to-be-defunct WT...

So this week we finish Annelotte's part and her tumultuous relationship with Melona...!?


Btw, my partner's leaving for a few weeks, so in the meantime I'll try to post some funky stuff!

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Queen's Blade White Triangle Story EX2-2

Unfortunately, we got nothing Valentine Day-related from QB, not even in the game, but thanks to our fellow SenranXFubuki's tip, we know that from the 17th until the 28th, the Senran Kagura New Link game is going to have a collab with our series~

For the Unlimited vs classic pic comparison, "old style" beat "new style" 25v-73% versus 9v-26%.
Heh, for all the efforts of the new artist, classic art just was something else, is that it...?

New poll brings us a bit of genderbending Holy Pose fun! :3

And one more bit of Annelotte's story, who almost didn't arrive in time to the previous bit, and who might be getting more than she can chew...?


Thursday, February 6, 2020

Queen's Blade White Triangle Story EX2-1

Regarding the Tartalleyne poll, Classic won with 29v-85% versus Tartarus' 5v-14%.
Oh, what a cold reception for a new design... is that the power of classic QB? :p

Next poll, while we're comparing stuff, let's try a new funky version of a pic!

Moving on, it's time for Annelotte to pop up in our little story!
