
Thursday, February 20, 2020

Queen's Blade White Triangle Story EX2-3

The sad news of the week is that White Triangle announced that it will close its service on May 18th, just 1 year and 2 months after it started :(

To recap what it left us with, storywise: they literally nailed the Triangle arc, showed us 8 "ex" worlds, introduced 6 tartarus, gave us 5 events plus the mother of all events (the summer one), and gifted us with 10 new freetalks per character, and 28 funky 4-komas (if you want to count them). Not bad for an unassuming little game, huh...~

Regarding the male Holy Pose poll, "anything for my waifu" won with 20v-60%, followed by "if I really have to" with 8v-24%, and then a close race between "she can tough it out" and "I'm too shyyyy" with 3v-9% and 2v-6%.
Heh, makes one understand Melpha's plight a little better, doesn't it? :3

And this poll had to be about the soon-to-be-defunct WT...

So this week we finish Annelotte's part and her tumultuous relationship with Melona...!?


Btw, my partner's leaving for a few weeks, so in the meantime I'll try to post some funky stuff!


  1. This version of melona is alot nicer than what we are used to seeing.

  2. Why the game will close service?
    Was the game not being successful?

  3. kinda sucks the game is closing now. I've reached level 60 and I still got a long way to go. Sigh. Oh well.

  4. i hope we see white triangle continue or get some kind of expansion/succesor since it really is the best thing about unlimited and i really loved what we were seeing.
