
Thursday, February 27, 2020

Queen's Blade White Triangle Character Songs (1): Joan

Regarding the "WT coming back" poll, "we don't have the best track record" won with 10v-35%, followed by "let's not lose hope!" with 9v-32%, and then there was "I don't think so" and "yes, else it'd be a waste" with 5v-17% and 4v-14%.
Hmm, no way I'm going to lose hope in the WT story continuing and my dear Shiwasu no Okina regaling us with more Triangle stuff, no siree... :D

Next poll, what did you think about SK collab anyway? (man, did I nail the vid thumbnail on that one :3)

And for this week, while my partner's not around, we start going over Triangle's character songs, in what some might call glorified AMVs~!
This was supposed to be a bit of hype for when they became playable in the game... but since this doesn't seem the case anymore, let's instead celebrate the awesomeness of the new characters of the first place! Starting with our strongest red oni, and her Badass Love!


(Let's hope Youtube doesn't get too uppity with the sexyness :p)

Btw, thanks to our pal Anubite07 for the summer attack footage :3


  1. is that queens blade unlimited ova 2 out today where can i watch it?

    1. There's a torrent now it seems, check the discord.

  2. Nice vid. I doubt that I'll get to fight her again (Is it around level 8 or 9) With the game about to end in a month or so. I wonder did anyone make it to the last stage and boss yet?

    1. After ch 5, you fight and can PKD her at 9 indeed. Only a couple of our fellas have actually finished the game, it required a damn specific team (Nowa and Leina for buffing and debuffing so you can actually start dealing damage, and Melpha for surviving more than a couple turns), if I recall.

  3. Oh man kinda suxs seeing how you need a special team to beat the game now. So just who are the triangle team working for? must be one super hard boss.

    1. It shouldn't surprise anyone that the last boss is the black beast from fhe opening.
      However, the ending is literally too beautiful to spoil it any further.

    2. Seeing how I'll never get to fight it. I'll just wait till June for the ending then. The 64,000 dollar question for me though is whats up with the cat?!! How does he tie into all this?
