
Thursday, March 5, 2015

Spiral Chaos Freetalks: Arane (2 of 2)

Edit (03/06): Kyah~, the newest Grimoire char, "Pied Piper of Hamelin" Despina was just announced~ We'll try and translate her stuff as soon as we can :D

About the "topographic" poll, in the end "hills" won with 52v-56%, then it was "mountains" with 35v-38% and "plains" lost with 5v-5%. Who'd have thought the big, bouncy mountains wouldn't dominate in this series...? :D

So next poll is, what do you think Shizuka is doing currently, anyways? It must sound weird since we was a "resurrectable" option in a poll a few weeks ago, but I'll have you know I was as quick as a flash to complain about that one~

And now, what can Jean get out of our spider gal?


Well then, the girl after that might surprise you, it did surprise me at least... :p

Next: Arane (QG)!


  1. Oh wow, Arane back-to-back? Guess I don't have to wait very long after all.

    1. Yeah, luckily for you, me and my pal had a hilarious misunderstanding about how much Arane was enough Arane ^^U

  2. Wow, I have to admit, although I am pleasantly surprised I honestly didn't expect mountains to do that well and plains to do that badly (I thought it'd be the reverse). But Hills being winning was a given.

    And as much as I love Shizuka and wish she hadn't died, I just can't see how she couldn't have (at least, if I'm remembering it all correctly and didn't miss something for forget something). I mean maybe they could bring her back to life somehow, but I really think she died. :/ And I doubt they're ever gonna do anything new with the original characters ever again anyways, outside of VQ.

    Hmm, I hope there's gonna be some QB news soon. I don't think there's any freetalks left for me because the only one I was waiting for was Melphas and that came and went while I was unable to visit the site, lol. The rest of them just make me keep wishing I could play the game in english. Which brings me to a question I wanted to ask here in a long time - what's the best (most ideal) way to be able to play the QB games (taking into consideration what to import, region problems, and if any English patches are available)? If I got a vita could I play them on that? Cuz if I had to get a PSP I'd pretty much only be getting it to play QB games but the Vita has more I could get play (I have a bunch of free games sitting on que on my PSN for no reason, lol).

    1. About Shizuka, her death only happened in the anime; I begrudgingly won't call the anime "not canon" anymore (because Siam is in it :D), but it's just another of QB's continuities. Plus, we can't forget that our ninja gal did show up at the Rebellion manga that followed the canon to a surprising degree:

      And, I'm pretty sure the most "ideal" way to play the games would be by emulators, they work like a charm and you can cheat to your heart's content (guilty as charged, lol).
      The first game kinda has a patch that translates most of the items and stuff, but it might break the game at unexpected times or something, so eh :p

    2. Oh yeah, I didn't consider that. I really need to read more of the manga, though the only written Queen's Blade story I've really wanted to read is A Message of Cattleya (which I own but can't read, lol) but I don't even think that's been fan translated at all. The only manga I've read was the one with Elina... back when I could tolerate her a little, lol.

      Hmm, and since there doesn't seem to be a worthwhile patch for them then that's more reason to get them physically, which I would rather do anyways. I guess I just want to know if I can play them on the Vita and how much of a hassle it'd be.

      Oh, and just saw the new character update. At this point I can't say she's hot or anything but she has a really interesting design. I think most people tend to overlook how creative the designs in QB can be, even the more ecchi ones. But I think Despina has to be the least ecchi QB character I've seen... I really can't imagine how her gamebook will be, lol. I'm just glad she's clearly not a loli character.

    3. Unfortunately, I know nothing about consoles anymore, I think the last console I had was a huh, Neo Geo Pocket Color? :p

    4. Awe. Well, that's certainly an awesome one to end off on ^_^

    5. Zhizn, I think you should play the QB games on emulator, I tried on PSP (got the 2 games phisically), I personnally prefer my computer screen to a PSP's.
      I don't think you could play them on a VITA.

  3. I like "Pied Piper of Hamelin" Despina is the better Grimore has done in a while. But her costume disturbs me a Little, is she going commando or using a string as pantsu? I can't say with the size of the image.

    About Shizuka, she is DEAD, no contest, but of course as any dead character she could return if the writter wish for it.

    1. Hm, I'm pretty sure she's wearing a white and gold thong... not unlike that infamous dress from the memes :p

    2. Considering the volution I think is just a matter of time that we get a character based on The Emperor's New Clothes :D

    3. Then again, that's the tale we're assuming the "Naked Queen" from Grimoire's prologue comes from... dunno if we'll get to see her, though.

  4. Okay, I have to say this. Despina's instrument looks creepy as hell. The end of it looks like a woman's body with a horn where the head should be. It's like something out of Kingdom Death or Dark Souls.

    And speaking of Shizuka, I run 2 Queen's Blade ask blogs on Tumblr, one of them being Shizuka (the other being Annelotte, but both don't get much activity). The cannon I have is more in line with the anime that she did die, but was brought back to life through means a tad to complicated to explain here.

    By the way, I'll be running three Queen's Blade game demos this year at three different conventions.

    1. Shizuka died and then was brought back to life? First time I've heard of that, plus it'd be a tad too roundabout for my tastes, actually. But well, I'm pretty sure the only canon things we have about Shizuka would be her profile, her FAQ, and her Kouma Ninja story back with Tomoe's biography.

      And wow, 3 QB talks at conventions this year? Goodspeed to you, sir!

  5. I'm not running a panel, I'm just running game demos this time. I have over 30 QB books, and over 20 Lost Worlds books. Of course, I do have to put "restrictions" on some of the books depending on the time I run my game demos, and the kind of age group attending. At Anime Fargo last year, I could use most of the books, being most attending were between 17 and 30. At Valleycon, I had to put restrictions on quite a few of my Queen's Blade books since some people bring their kids to the convention (although thankfully kids under the age of 15 have yet to show up to my demos).

    1. Oh, so you play actual, physical LW/QB battles? How nice, I'd like to hear more about your experiences with the game, like: do you think the books are as balanced as they're supposed to be?
      Also, do people usually understand the game, or is it kind of a chore to keep track of all the page turning and stuff? (one of the reasons why I started my little adventure, teehee)

    2. Wow, I'd have never thought that there'd be some actual Queens Blade being played at anime cons outside of Japan! That's awesome. I'd love to even be able to play one other person with my game books. Btw, I actually do know a 13 year old boy who likes QB (I honestly can't blame him, I'd be the same at that age, lol), and I've also known of a 14 year old girl who liked the show. Of course, that's not to say I dispute your taking precautions, though.

  6. I think she's alive somehow, but I think she's looking for Tomoe. I can't imagine Shizuka not being by Tomoe's side if she could.

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  9. Hi, i was wondering if you would be willing to do a real translation of the full game if you had the right tools for extracting the text ?

    1. I'd definitely try and look into it, but the problem isn't so much extracting and translation, it's putting it back in and having it work really.

    2. I will talk to some people that i know to see if they are willing to help with that. Also can i have your email, Skype or something so that we can talk easier in case they agree to help ?

    3. Sure, our group's mail is, my pal above is the one usually attending to it.

      But well, if you literally mean using "tools" to extract the text, be warned that we already tried and couldn't find the text inside the game; the one who got the closest was our buddy Chad who made the QBSC patch, and that was only some items and options, as far as I know ^^U
