
Thursday, February 26, 2015

Spiral Chaos Freetalks: Arane (1 of 2)

For the previous poll about Pokemon starters, in the end we got a tie between normal-type Leina and dark-type Irma (36v-35%), while it was fighting-type Risty who lost (29v-28%). I guess you guys really like the dark types, if my Irma could even win in such a roundabout manner...~

So next poll goes to all you geophiles out there :3

And so, we begin the reign of the monster girls, first up's the most famous representative, I guess? Also, since we're still allergic to Japanese honorifics, "Arane-chan" became "Rany", for your info...

Can Jean help falling into Arane's clutches?



  1. I voted Risty, An easy pick for me from those three. I think she did well but I hoped she would have at least come in second... I guess it's that tough (stereotypically "manly") personality of hers that turns most guys off? Well I like it, lol, she's fun.

    Hehe, this poll is an easy one for me too. I know it's gonna come dead last in the results, but I'm voting for the glorious mountains.

    BTW, why did I search "geophiles" and get attacked with the unpleasantness of long creepy crawlies? D: What does that have to do with the poll? lol

    1. Oh, I did search if "geophiles" was an actual word before posting it, and wikipedia kinda assured me it could be used for "someone who loved the earth"... but hm, I guess "earth-lovers" or "geology lovers" would have fit the bill more, my bad, tee hee.

    2. That makes sense. I guess there isn't anything more appropriate to be called a "geophile" than earthworms and centipedes, lol. Well I guess I should have known that off the bat since I had to have learned something from that highschool geology class I took... >_>'

  2. that image for the new poll is awesome^^

    So, finally the so famous Arane, was it hard to translate? :p

    1. Well, her being a girl of few words, didn't really made it easy for us... But at least, compared to Kotone's, her events are mercifully short :p

    2. Oh, what I'd do for a real Cattleya oppaipad... lol.

  3. I always said, I don't want to die due to asphixia but there has to be something to grab. Balance is the key.

    Also, in my country we have a saying; "Mano que teta no cubre, no es teta, es ubre"

    The translation would be something like "tit hand does not cover , is not tit, is udder"

    1. Ah yes, that would be my country as well, then. Fancy idioms we have, huh~?

    2. Do you guys have a saying for booty? I'm guessing it wouldn't be so moderate in that case XD

    3. You got that right, we have this expression: "un culo para forrar pelotas", more or less "a butt to wrap balls around", that either refers to it being big enough to serve as a football's skin... or refers to getting a buttjob, I'm not quite sure now... :D
