
Sunday, January 21, 2024

Big Queen's Gate Spiral Chaos english materials showcase!

After getting the prequel mostly finished, we haven't really progressed much with the sequel's hacking... and yet the translation of the whole thing is just gathering dust. Since we probably won't get anyone to check the translations or proofread them (unfortunately), I thought eh, why not just post the stuff while it's still relevant? So here it is!


First is the script for all the stages. It's quite chock-full with all sort of comments, most of them addressed to my partner for proofreading purposes, but some are just funky or for the lulz:

Also, the DLC stages, with the 3 main new scenarios:

Then, all the battle lines, retaining most of the prequel's (actually, they removed quite a few from last time for some reason):

We have here the general strings, including attacks, bios and many other info:

As well as the freetalks, revised from when we translated them eons ago:

And lastly would be the subbed cutscenes... though I don't recommend checking the video 10 yet (the one starting with Alice on her own) to avoid spoilers:

If you don't want to read all the game script to fully understand that video (which would be the best experience as intended), I can give you a TLDR the way I told my partner below:

-Alice's side: in stage 33 they're walking through one of the rare worlds where there are rifts everywhere. Jean gets his leg stuck in one of them, struggles for a bit, feels like he's kicked something, and then they help him out

-Maron's side: in stage 26, after a few of Aryutta's visits, this suddenly happens:

Next, stage 28, Jean and Cham Cham are chilling:

And then they fight Aine, which ends like:

More in stage 37 Lili, after battling the baddies:

And two dialogues in 44 Alleyne finish explaining the developments:


That much should let you understand the scene properly.

And so, what's probably the best kept secret in the game then?


That it was Jean who got both our main heroines involved in this situation, which ultimately resulted in defeating Weiss! ALL HAIL OUR HERO JEAN! lol

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