
Thursday, May 7, 2020

Queen's Blade White Triangle Story EX3-3

Regarding the demon form poll, Werbie won with 19v-50%, followed by a tie between Anne and classic Al with 8v-21%, and last was Rebellion Al with 3v-7%.
Hm, should have guessed that Rebellion Aldra's form was a bit too barebones in comparison...?

Next poll, we enter one of those rare tournament arcs, and what may be our most fanservice-y poll ever! :3 Our pal LuisFS suggested doing a panties poll and offered to commission a pic for the winner, so we gladly accepted.
And in fact, this time around we're doing things anonymously-ish, so we're not even gonna show ya the accompanying gals.
Thanks to our fellow Koodu for the help gathering pantsu pics, too.

Nevertheless, we finish EX Airi's world!


Ah right, my partner's busy this week so no WT vid next week, but we're trying to come up with something else for next week.
Aaaand, I might be preparing to release some nifty thing myself in like one week and a half, so there's that to look forward to as well, yay~


  1. does no. 5 count since she doesnt wear panties.(i think nyx,claudette & cattleya would be candidates for best panties though i guess there technically pick is no.4 because her panties are just as sweet as her personality.i think a good next round would be best butt/duo/who'd make the best megahouse/hobby japan figure.)

  2. It's quite sad that I can identify all of the girls in the poll, even number 1.

    1. Well, that's dedication, you should be proud :3
