
Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Happy St Patrick's Day!

Hey guys, this isn't really a holiday where I'm from, but our buddy The Evil Overlord commissioned a lovely pic with Joan & Risty to celebrate, enjoy and have fun!


  1. happy ( saint patricks day everyone. and nice picture(kinda wish menace and melona were in it with a passed out airi as a refrence to her low tolerance,actually allenyne,echidna and irma would be perfect for a st. patricks day image.kinda now want to see art get made for the next holiday have cattleya,rana and leina celebrating.:3)

  2. Airi would most likely be the desinated driver for when Menace and Melona pass out form over drinking!LOL

    1. I chose these two specificly for a couple of reasons.

      Oni's like alchohol, and Risty is shown to be a drinker.

      Risty and Joan seem to have a bit of Chemistry in the hot spring picture.

      and people really Liked Joan a lot, and she had almost no fanart.

      I also completly forgot that one scene from the Omake.
