
Thursday, March 26, 2020

Queen's Blade White Triangle Story 4-2

For the commissions poll, "loowd" and "main cast" won with 14v-38% and 13v-36%, followed by "obscure characters", "holiday related" and "wholesome" bunched together with 4v-11%, 3-8% and 2v-5% respectively.
Lol, you know, when our fella proposed the poll, that's the two choices I told him were gonna win~

Next poll is about the Tartarus from last week, we're expecting the last 4 designs to drop within the week hopefully :3

Continuing the story, Leina and co fall to Mei's clutches...?


Also, we didn't touch upon this before, but do stay safe during these times, guys!

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Queen's Blade White Triangle Story 4-1

The news this week is the White Triangle twitter deciding to start revealing the kick-ass designs of the Tartarus that never got their time on the spotlight: Irma, CattleyaNyx, Ymir, Melpha, Menace, Melona and Elina, or here together in a funky gif:

For the poll about years following QB, "9-12" took it with 15v-46%, followed by "6-9" with 8v-25%, "3-6" with 5v-15% and "12+" with 4v-12%. No one voted for "3-".
Guess it only takes a cursory look at the blog to guess I'm in the "9-12" range as well... but hey, wasn't expecting people here with 12+ years of fandom!

This week's poll comes from our pal The Evil Overlord, commission-related!

And here we continue with WT's story!


Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Happy St Patrick's Day!

Hey guys, this isn't really a holiday where I'm from, but our buddy The Evil Overlord commissioned a lovely pic with Joan & Risty to celebrate, enjoy and have fun!

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Queen's Blade White Triangle Character Songs (3): Mei

Regarding the OVA 2 poll, "definitely checking it!" and "probably, no hurry tho" won with 12v-35% and 11v-32%, followed by "saw it already!", "wait, it's been ripped already!?" and "0 intention of watching it" with 5v-14%, 4v-11% and 2v-5%.
I did watch it and shared my opinions on Discord in real-time while I was at it, but basically: not a bad adaptation of the story we read back then, better animation than chapter 1, but still a bit rushed.

Next poll, in honor of the (early) 15th anniversary celebration, how long ya been a fan?

And now we finish with Mei's song, the longest and moodiest of the bunch! Also the only one who doesn't have a direct English title, Mei's kind of always the odd one out, huh.


Thursday, March 5, 2020

Queen's Blade White Triangle Character Songs (2): Taylor

Before I forget, the 15th anniversary page has been updated with all kinds of products, not sure if you can buy any online yet tho.

Regarding the Senran Kagura collab, "pretty good" and "awesome!" won with 12v-48% and 8v-32%, followed by "could have been better" and "didn't really like it" with 4v-16% and 1v-4%.
Yaay, I just wished these kinds of collabs weren't that damn rare in the first place :3

Now next poll, did you already watch the OVA 2 (released here icymi)?

And it's now Tay-tay's turn! Let's get the jazzy tunes going with her Shake Period, and don't forget to shake it! :D (also, since Youtube age-restricted Joan's vid, let's just skip the middleman)


Fun fact: I commissioned transcriptions for the short versions of these songs like half a year ago, when a CD was nowhere in sight. They got a decent amount of this song right (though "saa, DEAD or LOVE" isn't something anyone could have imagined)... but got pretty much pwned by Joan's, for good reason :p