
Thursday, January 30, 2020

Queen's Blade White Triangle Story 3-5

For the Xi-rin project poll, "They look really good!" won with 29v-76%, followed by "Guess they're nice" with 9v-23%. "Don't see the appeal" and "Not very flattering" got no votes.
Yay, quite the overwhelming approval! I don't suppose the flashy gif had much to do with the result... but I want to think it kind of did~?

And for this poll, it's Tartalleyne's turn! :3

With this vid, we finish chapter 3, and another EX will be coming next...?



  1. She's wearing shorts! I know it's cold in Tartarus, but that really is going too far...

  2. I wonder who would make the more scarier, sexier and dangerous Tartarus character, Melpha or Cattalya?

    1. maybe melpha if the tartarus characters are supposed to be the opposite of their usual demeanor's and her timid pacifist personality is switched into a more aggressively shameless form but if not than completely cattleya since she is way more stronger in battle than melpha who outside of airi,elina, menace(if her being technically a revived undead would count for her holy powers) or possibly nyx she would be squishy wizard against the other beautiful fighters. a tartarus version of cattleya and menace (who i think leecherboy would agree with as well:3 lol) would be cool to see and i actually wonder what a tartarus nyx would look and be like(i find nyx really underrated imo).
