
Thursday, January 30, 2020

Queen's Blade White Triangle Story 3-5

For the Xi-rin project poll, "They look really good!" won with 29v-76%, followed by "Guess they're nice" with 9v-23%. "Don't see the appeal" and "Not very flattering" got no votes.
Yay, quite the overwhelming approval! I don't suppose the flashy gif had much to do with the result... but I want to think it kind of did~?

And for this poll, it's Tartalleyne's turn! :3

With this vid, we finish chapter 3, and another EX will be coming next...?


Thursday, January 23, 2020

Queen's Blade White Triangle Story 3-4

For the OVA 2 poll, "looking forward to it" won with 15v-48%, followed by "ready and waiting!" with 7v-22%. Closely after, there was "sorta neutral" with 5v-16% and "wait, new OVA?" with 3v-9%, and trailing behind, "nope, not interested" with 1v-3%, while "nah, not all that interested myself" got 0 votes.
Well, let's see if they can meet our expectations, maybe if WT's sweet money can be put to use to smooth some of those animations...?

So new poll, we ask about the Xi-rin project, which you can see here, here, herehere and here (check out that flashy gif, it's a first here :3)

And now we deal with the aftermath of Airi's fight...!


Thursday, January 16, 2020

Queen's Blade White Triangle Story 3-3

For the decade start poll, 2020 beat 2021 23v-74% versus 8v-25%.
I guess that means XKCD was right? :3

Next poll, a nice reminder about the upcoming OVA!

As for the story, everybody's favorite maid makes her appearance?


Thursday, January 9, 2020

Queen's Blade White Triangle Story 3-2

For the Xmas' best aspect poll, "Family" won with 15v-57%, followed by "Food" with 9v-34%, and then "Gifts" with 2v-7%.
Hm, did the experience of getting socks too many times tilt this poll against the "gifts" choice? :3

And picking up where we left last year, our new poll asks: just when does the decade start anyway?

For the story, the swamp trio keeps truckin'!
