
Thursday, September 26, 2019

Queen's Blade White Triangle Story 1-4

For the morphin' poll, Luna Luna won with 17v-53%, followed by Alice with 10v-31%, last being Gretel with 5v-15%.
Well well, I would have sworn up and down that Alice's transformation was gonna win this one, what do you know...

Next poll, we go full funky with that April Fools from a few years back~

And in the story this time, can they stop the out of control Aldra?


Thursday, September 19, 2019

Queen's Blade White Triangle Story 1-3

For the undead poll, Menace took the win with 16v-57%, while Genjou and Liliana tied with 6v-21%. Yaaay, my waifu wins once again :3 Glad to see Genjou wasn't neglected either, too.

Next poll, it's mighty morphin' time?

And for the story, it's time for the Triangles to take center stage! (or like my partner likes to call them, "team Rocket")


*Just a note though: for some reason, Joan doesn't look very good in any video she's in. Her being our fave Triangle and all, we tried many ways to produce the vid for minimum compression, but even in the best case scenario, Youtube would compress it badly, alas. For the record, this is how she should look (from the video preview I get in the first place):

If you know your way around video compression and stuff and can help, let us know!

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Queen's Blade White Triangle Story 1-2

For the hot spring poll, "Elven Forest's open-air baths" won with 16v-50%, followed by "private rooms in Sheldan" with 10v-31%, and last was "warm bath in Iron Mountain" with 6v-18%.
Oh, poor dwarves, they're such nice hosts and everything...~

And here's an undead poll for ya, marking Genjou's first appearance in one of these! (if I remember correctly?)

As for WT's story, there's trouble a-brewing?


Thursday, September 5, 2019

Queen's Blade White Triangle Story 1-1

First of all, the discord has a QB roleplaying channel now, so go there if you're interested... just be sure to read the rules first, wouldn't be the first time we had problems with that.

For Liliana's granny poll, "Artemis" won with 13v-68%, while both "Dantan" and "Stephan" tied with 3v-15%.
So yup, Artemis was Liliana's granny, Dantan Melpha's, and Stephan is the name of the obscure dad of Anne & Al.
Plus, this poll has the dubious honor of having the least participants ever, yaay (?)!

This time, it's a hot spring poll, we've never had one of those!

Also, here we begin WT's story proper, yo!
