
Thursday, August 29, 2019

Queen's Blade White Triangle Alleyne Freetalk 1 (Prologue-2b)

For the Bunny Day poll, Melona won with 30v-75%, Kaguya following by far with 7v-17%, while Luna only got 3v-7%.
Well, I guess HJ is on to something when they keep using Melona for it, huh?

The poll this time is a funky thing about QB grannies, yo!

So here's the second half of the game's prologue, tutorials included! And now that we've taught you how to play the game, we start the story proper next time! :3

Speaking of which, just created a playlist here, where I'll keep adding all the WT vids as we release them!


Thursday, August 22, 2019

Master of Queen's Blade Excellent Graphics: Aldra, Tomoe

Before I forget, today this White Triangle mook was announced for release. No actual official word from HJ tho on the contents, but might be interesting if you like the game's pics, or if you wanna enjoy the exclusive codes featured there?

For the best mom poll, our Cattleya won it with 20v-58%, followed by a close call between Maria and Cyan with 7v-20% and 5v-14%, and last was Werbellia with 2v-5%.
Poor Werbie, she even got possessed too...

Now next poll, there's this bunny day in Japan that HJ keeps using Melona for, but is she the best choice? :D

And for this week, unfortunately we ran into some nuisance and had to resort to one of these for today, we'll try our best to continue the WT vids next week.


Thursday, August 15, 2019

Queen's Blade White Triangle Alleyne Freetalk 1 (Prologue-2a)

For the summer poll, "holidays" clearly won with 17v-70%, and the last two options were close to each other, with "beach" and "sun" having 4v-16% and 3v-12%.
Well, obviously holidays are holidays, amirite :p

And after the sisters' poll from a while back, a mom one now!

So here we continue WT's prologue, having chosen Alleyne as our main (not that it will matter in the long run) coz Youtube would prolly censor any other girl than Nowa. Also, though technically it's part of the prologue, the game still considers it the first of the freetalks, go guess.
Oh, and this game brings a few new funky terms that we had to give a serious thinking to, just in case something doesn't sound familiar.


Thursday, August 8, 2019

Queen's Blade White Triangle 0-0 (Prologue)

For the 9th blog anniversary poll, turns out "5-3 years" won with 11v-32%, followed closely by "8-5 years" and "3-1 years" with 9v-26% and 6v-17% respectively. Then, there was a draw at the extremes, with both "8+ years" and "1- year" at 4v-11%.
Oh, that's a lot of long-term followers there! And I didn't even expect people from beyond the 8 years, when this barely had any translations! :3 Then again, it takes one to know one, I guess? (uh, is that the correct usage...? lol)

Next poll, since WT got a summer event, summer poll, why not?

And here we start with WT's story! If you were wondering what the lol Catboy's adventures were like, boy do we have a tale to tell ya!


Thursday, August 1, 2019

Queen's Blade 4-Koma Theater #3-5

For the sister behavior poll, "Tarnyang & Sainyang" took it with 20v-54%, followed by the "Vance sisters" with 11v-29%, and then there were "Anne & Al" with 6v-16%.
Hm, technically Anne & Al didn't get a lot of time together, and while it's surprising than the twins beat the main classic sisters... I gotta agree with this one, Upheaval's CD was awesome with them in :3

And those of you who have visited this blog for quite a while will know that one of the few running jokes here is that I always forget the blog's anniversary until weeks after the fact... well not this time, bucko! So here we put a new spin on the poll we did when we made 5 years! :D

Now this week, here's a few more of the cute 4-komas! Again, thanks to our pal Anubite07 for the editing help!


Next week, let us lift the veil on Catboy's story~!