
Thursday, November 22, 2018

Sister Series Deathball Unveiled!

For the poll about Rana and his mother's breasts, "Power of LOVE" and "holds his breath" won with 15v-41% and 10v-27%, followed by "he looks up to gain air" and "he's not held that tight" with 8v-22% and 3v-8%. Alas, "he isn't all that deep" got 0 votes.
Yay, my choice got the most votes~ Still, yeah, a bit of a joke poll.

Next poll, just who's the strongest Vance in Rebellion anyways?

And for today's news, a new series by Hobby Japan was revealed: sports series Deathball!

Right off the bat (yay puns), the series has 31 characters drawn by 24 different artists, including HJ mainstay artists like Eiwa (doubly so), FS, Nitroplus, Matsuryuu, Aoi NagisaAiri's, Liliana's, Mirim's, and even other talented artists like TonySian or Akawaza Red!

All the gals have their full profiles, there's the first issue of some mini-comics, apparently it's a world with 4 races: Japanese (lol), Kinnari (elves), Oni and Osaki (beastmen?), and the rules are basically like baseball, but you don't need to actually use the bat and you can use anything that kinda resembles a ball, getting more than 90% of your uniform destroyed gets you eliminated, it's a foul if you attack someone without a ball and lose 3 members of your team and you're done.

So I wonder, what does this tale of "sportmanship" (lol) and "hyper sports" between metahumans have in store for us...?


  1. This is interesting! I love the designs and the premise. I wonder how much yuri potential this new series has. I also wonder if there'll be an anime in the future.

  2. That's a pretty wild concept. The Juggernauts are bad asses!! They got some serious sluggers on their team.

  3. It's Tomoe in a miniskirt! WITH RIBBONS.
