
Friday, September 8, 2017

Unlimited Tomoe, cutting the opposition to... ribbons?

So, the newest design for Queen's Blade Unlimited was shown, and it was the eastern samurai gal!

Very subtle changes actually; amongst them, like my partner noted in the Discord, she keeps getting more ribbons with each installment (hence the really bad pun in the title up there?). What do you fellas think?

More news as they develop!


  1. It's just me or she looks a bit like Reimu from Touhou?

    1. Yeah... I thought the same.

      But. I LOVE IT! Love the design. My only regret is not seeing Eiwa draw her.

  2. Ribbons, eh. Can't imagine having those all flapping around would be very helpful in a combat situation.

    Actually, apart from the one replacing her hair tie, I think the existing ones have just got bigger. As have her breasts, apparently...

  3. Tomoe's new design is so cute. I just hope her mannerism is intact and Shizuka is still her traveling companion

    1. Hmm, I wonder about Shizuka accompanying her... I mean, we don't even know yet if Lou is still around Nowa :p

  4. It also looks like she is using a longer sword too.

  5. still not a fan, but then again, at this point, I think what bothers me is the artstyle. it's way too more for the more mature looking characters.

  6. Up until now everything has been made cuter basically which to me just makes the characters feel generic.

    We'll see what happens with the series. I'm still a fan and will always be.

  7. well she seems to be in good spirits. Will she still fight with honor?
