
Friday, January 27, 2017

Queen's Blade Unlimited OVA announced!

So, you guys know how we haven't getting QB news for a couple months? Well, apparently they were working on the next OVA for this year... that surprisingly isn't Grimoire or even Rebellion, but a new reboot of the franchise, that brings new designs with it.
In fact, a pic just surfaced from this month's HJ magazine:

What will this OVA actually mean for the series...? (besides longer hair for everyone, lol)
More news as it develops!!


  1. There better be just as much if not even more nudity and scantily clad characters. They better not have dialed it back or toned it down.

    1. Nah, it says "Hard Fantasy x Sexiness" right there below the title, if it didn't have that it wouldn't be QB anymore.

    2. QB isnt just the anime, older adaptations have avoided flat out nudity so if it drops the nipples I wouldnt mind. It'd be more in line with the true QB series, not toned down.

    3. We can't also forget that QB won like 8 world records in the April's Fools 5 years ago, most of them ecchi-related (see:

    4. Leina and Elina's new designs are absolutely beautiful. I hope this series goes very well

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  3. Will there be new season of queen's blade rebellion?

  4. Is it mean all of QB characters with new design and new story? New anime and new figures too? Include Nyx!?
    (O_O) More info pleaseeeeeee!!!

  5. on one hand, I Have been longing for a Queen's Blade remake for a long time (specially Rebellion), I've even been rewatching the series and I do think it holds up and could possibly be great with a few revisions in the script (and better fight scenes).

    but at the other hand I don't know how I feel about the new Designs: Airi looks about the same, and I much prefeer Elina here, but I'm thorn about Leina (she doesn't feel like Leina to me, I like the slight changes in the Armor, but I don't like the hair) and Nowa just look straight up generic.

    My biggest fear is: There's 2 things I love about Queen's Blade: how distinct and unique each character look, and that the characters look like WOMEN (most of them don't big wide eyes, and had fairly realistic proportions).
    In this OVA, they are clearly being redesigned by a single person, and I fear that might cause the characters to lose what made them unique (Leina and Nowa are prime examples).

    I'll keep my mind open for this, we haven't had anything Queen's Blade for so long that I do feel some excitement and hope this will bring about something good! I'm cautiously optmistic.

    1. Nice, I think in the same way, excepet I hold the "fear it's all gonna be awful" feeling :)

    2. it's not that I fear it's gonna be awful. What I fear for is just the character designs.

  6. So a total reboot eh? I'm wondering what's with the long hair theme here? Is it a Repunzal curse or what?
    I really was hoping for a second season of Rebellion
    but I'm looking forward to see what the new Menace, Tomoe and Risty will look like too? Hopefully it will have a better story line this time!!

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  8. While it's nice to see the series getting more animations, I'm kind of really skeptical.

    The "Grimoire" OVAs were pretty disappointing for me personally, the first in particular, so I'm worried about how everything will be handled.

    Not to mention this being a complete reboot. While the original run had plenty of problems, it was still pretty enjoyable and set up the groundwork for all the better things down the line. I just don't want to see all of that gone for something fairly questionable at this point

    Probably doesn't really help that I'm not exactly liking the redesigns so far, which is more or less my first impression. Nowa looks way too young now, the long hair on Leina just looks off to me, and I don't even know what to say about Elina's new outfit.

    I want to be optimistic but I've got way too many worries at this point.

  9. Really exited by this. Love all the QB series. I was kinda taken aback by this announcement.I thought that Hobby Japan was putting the QB franchise on the back burner in favor of the new stuff like 7sin, etc. Can't wait for more info. Digging the designs

  10. I'm not fan of this new designs they look a bit too "moe" (buzzwords that you use when you really don't know what to say) XD I see them quite simple.

  11. Why would they decide to make a remake at this point? QB still has a lot of material to draw from. I at least hope they do not change QB's recipe(character development, sexiness and variety) in favor of cuteness.

    1. Probably because Grimore didn't make as well as they expected. Tried to resurrect the franchise with Grimore and didn't success so they are trying to resurrect it with a reboot I guess.

  12. I'm actually very pleased that they're planning to reboot the original anime into an OVA if they can do a better job than they did before. The original OVA has poor world and character development, took itself too seriously when there was nothing to take seriously in the first place, and was more of a fantasy shonen parody with women. Harsh words, but I waited so long for the original anime to get better and it never did. If I had my way, the plot would get a complete rewrite from the ground up. Add a thick dose of terror, badassery, suspense, and mystery. Take a page from Record of Lodoss War and/or Berserk. Have Leina start off as a seasoned warrior from episode 1 (and maybe explain how she got there with episode 2). Spend less budget and screentime on breasts, and more time on a plot (but still with breasts).

    As for the designs, I find them OK. I'm happy Leina's design is almsot identical to the original. (Her thong has one strap now instead of two.) However, I'm also less enthused by the long hair. I know the original anime had Leina start with long hair as well, but even that version looks more like Leina than this one here. Everyone else (except for Elina) looks pretty much the same too. What happened to Elina? Her outfit is like a cross between her original and Rebellion outfit. I'm not sure I like it.

    1. Lol Suicane, I also want that kind of reboot, but I know it can only get worse...
      and season 2 was badass enough, no?

    2. What I mean is: They got lucky to get something good with the Queen's Blade anime, but I think they won't get lucky twice. This reboot is a bad idea.

    3. Season 2 was better than Season 1, but it's still not good enough. Honestly, I'm just hoping that through condensing the plot, they will be forced to put emphasis on that instead of wasting minutes on fanservice. Also, maybe it's a bad thing. Maybe it's not. But more Queen's Blade (with the original cast) is never a bad thing.

    4. I like what you say and i think queen's blade could've used less ecchi and a bit more action. But on the other side, its what made queen's blade stand out. I would like to see some more story about Nyx and nowa though.

    5. What you described would be ideal. Unfortunately, the drawings and Grimoire OVAs seem to confirm the direction this series is headed towards. It's less about action/adventure and storylines and moreso about ecchi fan service and irrelevant conversations that cater to moe/waifu loving otakus.

      It's about creating "content" to sell rather than a B-movie tier series, the latter of which the original tried to be.

  13. Wait so they canceled the Grimore ova series?!! Dammit!! I was hoping to see Shigi in action again!
    Looks like poor Cinderella will get no screen time.

  14. I can't wait for redesigned Melona

  15. no hay información de la serie de cuando va salir

    1. Por ahora no, estamos esperando más noticias.

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  18. Clauddettes new,look is rather disappointing she didn't even look like the same at all......kinda posses me off honestly
