
Thursday, January 28, 2016

Drama CDs: Leina Character Drama

First of all, like HJ's also remembered to share with us today, apparently Grimoire's going for a collaboration with that Wixoss card game or whatever, so Alicia's getting a card. Tiina's supposed to get a card too, but no pic has surfaced yet.

For the previous poll about Kyuel, "I'll reserve judgment" and "looking good" took it with 24v-37% and 18v-28%. After that, there was "meh" with 16v-25%, and lastly "fantastic!" and "who" with 5v-7% and 1v-1%. Hm, since she technically hasn't been announced as the next char with a book, I can't say I feel the usual high myself, oh well :p

Then next poll, now that we've seen enough preview pics of Snow White, how's she looking?

And here we got Leina's stuff. Like the very title implies, it's some sort of comedy skit, so it's a bit of a crazy-fast exchange, what can you do...


Next: Nanael!


  1. Is it a promo card that comes with that magazine?
    What's the name of that magazine?

    1. It should be "Card Gamer Vol 26", a magazine that previews new cards and stuff. Pretty sure the card will get properly sold later, shouldn't come with the magazine.

  2. so you choosed to translat gizoku by bandit? well, I know that's one hard word to translate^^

    1. Well, you know how it's part of Risty's title, Bandit of the Wilderness, so... :p

  3. Firelight Games isn't open for preorders for Snow White yet, but rest assured, I will get her as soon as she's listed.

    1. Leecher and I should probably do some reporting on Snow Whites title in the meantime.

    2. Ah yes, the guys at Firelight actually noticed her title change before I did (or they arrived later after the fact?), how sly of them~

    3. She's now listed at Firelight, huh.

    4. Just went on sale on Firelight's website. Put my order in today.

  4. Let me know when you have Snow White's book uploaded.

  5. I want the Alicia cards as soon as they release.

  6. Hey leecherboy, this isn't a request or anything, but have you considered dabbling in Queen's Blade subs? You haven't before, but since the Grimoire OVA is coming out and probably isn't going to be licensed (Queen's Blade US license expired early last year), I thought you might entertain the idea if it's just one episode.

    1. Oh we considered it alright... before quickly dismissing it since it'll cost too much money and work :p

    2. As a note, Leecher doesn't have an ear for japanese so any audio thing we translate is pretty much transcribing commission work we get done to get it in writing to THEN translate to english.

      It's not perfect but it's all we got.

    3. Hm, I thought I had already implied it when we introduced Menace's?

      "We still aren't at a level where we can understand spoken japanese, but turns out that's a problem you can fix by throwing enough money at it, oh well :P"

      Of course, if someone who excelled at spoken japanese could help us, it'd be a different story, probably?

    4. ahhh, I remenber now, the time when I tried to help you with QB spiral chaos cinematics.^^
      for an episode such as this OVA, how much would it cost?

    5. Well, I never tried asking them for a video, but assuming the rates are similar, I guess somewhere around 90$-115$?

    6. That's not bad, actually. If the community pitches in some kind of mini-kickstarter, we could get it done. Only issue is that I don't know if Grimoire is worth

    7. yup, that's right, I could easily bring 20 euros per episode.

    8. Yeah dude, I was totally telling my partner the other day we could do a Kickstarter for it, and for one of the rewards have me draw badly-drawn QB chars like my avatar here... he wasn't a fan of the idea, can't really fathom why ^^U
