
Thursday, January 28, 2016

Drama CDs: Leina Character Drama

First of all, like HJ's also remembered to share with us today, apparently Grimoire's going for a collaboration with that Wixoss card game or whatever, so Alicia's getting a card. Tiina's supposed to get a card too, but no pic has surfaced yet.

For the previous poll about Kyuel, "I'll reserve judgment" and "looking good" took it with 24v-37% and 18v-28%. After that, there was "meh" with 16v-25%, and lastly "fantastic!" and "who" with 5v-7% and 1v-1%. Hm, since she technically hasn't been announced as the next char with a book, I can't say I feel the usual high myself, oh well :p

Then next poll, now that we've seen enough preview pics of Snow White, how's she looking?

And here we got Leina's stuff. Like the very title implies, it's some sort of comedy skit, so it's a bit of a crazy-fast exchange, what can you do...


Next: Nanael!

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Snow White & OVA 1 reviewed

Edit: So I changed the comments thingie (once again), now it's working and with avatars, because why not :p

Hm, seems like the comments widget thingie broke again? Might need to look into it if this keeps on :p

In any case, once again, our lucky guy from the far east got a hold of the new gal early, with the OVA too, so there's plenty of fancy pics all around!

See more pics here and here!

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Drama CDs: Nowa Character Drama

First of all, Toranoana finished unveiling all their exclusive bonuses, that besides the Tomoe docking thing from last week, also include a 2016 calendar that apparently combines Grimoire stuff with 10th anniversary stuff. I suppose I should have added this to yesterday's post... but I forgot, teehee :p

Now, for the previous poll about 3 favorite girls to get a book, I'll group the results since there were a lot of gals:
1) Shizuka 64v-27%, Anarista 40v-17% and Maria 20v-8% won, with a reasonable lead
2) Hachiel 19v-8%, Meena 15v-6% and Cute 14v-6% chased quite closely after Maria
3) Despina's Slaves 13v-5%, Mime 12v-5% and Siam 11v-4% barely broke double digits
4) Dorothy 9v-3%, and a tie between Maron and Genjou at 7v-3% took last place
I guess it was clear that Shizuka and Anarista would win... but what can I say, I have a soft spot for Siam and Dorothy myself :3

So next poll, I guess our angel getting an actual book or not is still in the air (pun intended~), but how do you guys fancy Kyuel?

And continuing with the character dramas, here's Nowa, marking halfway through these short tracks. What will she end up learning today?


Next: Leina!

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Queen's Blade Grimoire Anime Visuals (2)

Apparently, this month's HJ magazine has a couple more visuals of the OVA, that lets us take a good look at our new angel/bunny and her weird wand-watch(?). Just one more week till it's out!

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Exclusive bonuses + OVA news!

Edit: Corrected our new girl's name. Those angels and their numbers, huh :p

So, today HJ updated with news about the Grimoire OVA1. Besides some nice pics in there, they also reveal a few of the bonuses you can get by buying our white-haired gal at Toranoana, Melonbooks or the HJ online store. We think there are a couple more to come, though.

They also reveal a new character. Drawn by Satoshi Urushihara (so they finally got hold of him?), it seems she's the one who summoned Alicia accidentally to Mel Fair Land while she was looking for something, and she's called "Pristine Angel, Kewell  Kyuel". So yep, we're probably looking at our next book, here.
Oh, and she'll get voiced by Ai Kakuma in the OVA.

Go, Grimoire, go~!

Drama CDs: Airi Character Drama

For the poll about which QB part would shine this year, Grimoire took it with 36v-66%, while Rebellion, Classic and Gate ended up far behind with 11v-20%, 5v-9% and 2v-3%. Well, like I've taken to say recently... Go, Grimoire, go~!

Now, next poll, which of the 3 gals without a book would you prefer they announced a book for?

So to round up the most fabled Swamp Trio, here's Airi's turn. It's just a very, very commonplace situation... or is it surprisingly graphic for QB? Maybe both?


Next: Nowa!

Still, contrary to my expectations, no one really went ahead and tried to guess the identity of Melona's captive last time. So, let me share this pet theory of mine: (spoilers of the previous vid) I think the prisoner was...

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Drama CDs: Melona Character Drama

For this week's poll, what part of QB will shine this year the most?

And now, welcome to the first (and only?) official Queen's Blade whodunit! Can you gather all the clues our goo girl nonchalantly drops, and find out just who is she talking to? ("just a random passersby" won't cut it~)


Next: Airi!

Friday, January 1, 2016

Drama CDs: Menace Character Drama

And we left behind another year, let's welcome the new one with a blast~!

For the previous poll about Santa, "he's definitely real! don't worry!" and "he was never real" won with 25v-33% and 20v-26%, while "maybe" got 12v-16%, and then there were "sorry, kid" and "s-sure he's real" with 10v-13% and 8v-10%. Some of you sure are tough, enduring that longing gaze of Rana, lol...

No new poll this week, we'll resume 'em next week.

So, here we start with the new project we've been looking forward for a while! We still aren't at a level where we can understand spoken japanese, but turns out that's a problem you can fix by throwing enough money at it, oh well :P

Regardless, we're back with proper QB canon again, with these Character Dramas that were released a bit after the anime ended. So, let's have Menace do the honors~!
You might not think that my waifu being silly is all that canon, but the next one will really be worth some studying!


Next: Melona!