
Thursday, April 23, 2015

Queen's Maid : 1rst Round - Battle 4 Results

And yet another decisive battle has broken out here in our First Round of the Queen's Maid Tournament, one that left two more of our competitors in the dust and with little chance of recovery. Thus, the winners of our last battle for this round are...

Queen's Maid : First Round - Battle 4 Winners

The Master of Flame, Nyx
The Summoner, Aldra

These two received an overwhelmingly positive response from the voters, with their victory being easily the most brutal of all 4 rounds. And as far their individual standings when faced to one another go, it was a fierce battle all throughout! Was it Nyx's tragic past as a lower class maid for the Vance family that touched the hearts of her fans? Was it Aldra's impressive devotion towards her one true Darling that sealed the deal for her admirers? ...Was it the naked apron? 
The next round will certainly be an interesting one!

Speaking of which, now that our 4th Battle is done, we must say goodbye to both Jean and Alicia, marking the end of the Spiral Chaos and Grimoire representation in this tournament.
Will Jean ever catch a break and find the girl of his dreams?
Will Alicia ever get to show up in the anime in some shape or form?
Stay tuned to find out!

And now... a break! Our second round will begin next week.

I will point out however, that during our second round of voting, all voters will be allowed to vote TWICE. You read right, during our second round all voters will be encouraged to select their top two picks for the next round rather than just their single top pick! 
This should spice things up quite a bit!  
So make sure you don't forget, during our next round you will all have 2 votes to work with rather than just 1 vote!

 In the meantime, and in an effort to properly test the 2 vote system first, we offer this simple poll about weapon preference. If you were in a medieval world like Queen's Blade, what manner of weapon would you like to bring into battle? 
Select your 2 favorites of the list!

Otherwise, as a teaser, here are our participants for the next battle!

Queen's Maid : Quarter-Final Round - Battle 1 Participants
The Child of Fate, Dizzy
The Master of Flame, Nyx
The Alchemic Automaton, Vante
Repayer of Kindness, Iroha

Their battle will begin next week!
Victory or Defeat, Heaven or Hell, Glory or Shame, which will it be?
Let the best maids win!

1 comment:

  1. So happy for Nyx. I hope either she or Pyrrha wins it all
