
Thursday, March 26, 2015

Queen's Blade : Rare Stuff Part 1

And finally, for today's intermission we present to you an entirely new segment I like to call :

Rare Stuff with Final Agent

In these posts, we'll look over promotional material, artwork or other miscellaneous Queen's Blade related things that would not be meaty enough to get their own blog posts. Stuff I've collected over the years that have collected dust and that I'd like to share with you all other than just my commissions, because after all, nothing beats official stuff!

Here we see the two-sided picture pad that came with Liliana's Excellent Model P2 Figure, which can be seen here. I myself did not get the Liliana recolor figure but got the pic in a separate auction a while ago for pretty cheap.

And... wait, this one isn't old at all. It's brand new actually! Yes, it's one of the Seiten clear files advertised as exclusive to only two online vendors. This particular one was the Melonbooks exclusive piece. Sad to say that the more ecchi version as seen here and exclusive to Toranoana's site was something we never managed to get a hold of. Maybe some other day...

This last one was scanned by none other than our very own Leecherboy and was part of yet another limited edition online vendor pre-order bonus thing done by Toranoana's site, as seen here. As you can see, it even comes with a signature of the artist, Eiwa!

And that's all for Rare Stuff with Final Agent this intermission! If you've got any Queen's Blade related merchandise you'd like to share that you think we might not have, cards, clear files, posters and the like, feel free to send your scans to our email at and we might just post it here for everyone to enjoy!

See you next time!


  1. Very nice artwork. If I had the money. I would request an artwork with Sigui going up against Zara

  2. hey, I got one "2 sized picture pad" with Risty, I got it when receiving VQ3's Blue-Ray, I can send you a pic of it in case you don't have it^^.

    1. Take a pic and we'll let you know!

    2. I got the pics, but my internet is too slow for now to send them (would take more than 12 hours just to send 1).
      I'll send the pics to Leecherboy once I could.

    3. Don't worry about it, but just to see if we got it or not, send a low quality photo first and we'll let you know if we got it or not. Wouldn't want to waste that internet time for nothing!

  3. I have a special picture that came with my Nix book, a Queen's Blade pencil board in my Airi book, and a special plastic book cover for the Kan'u Queen's Gate book (which I found on eBay for $5). I'll try to get pictures of them for you.

    1. Please go right ahead! Send us some low quality photos first so we can see what we're dealing with first and we can let you know if it's something we got or not. That way we can save you some time in case we do.

  4. I'd aye aye that Liliana if you know what I mean. She looks while better when she goes dere

  5. I always love to see more Tina and Seiten <3 Add in Goldie and Zara and that's my top Grimoire characters.
