
Saturday, December 27, 2014

Melonbooks' Seiten Clearfile

So remember what we saw last week, that buying Seiten at Toranoana would get you an illustration sheet? Well buying her at Melonbooks gets you this clearfile:

I wonder if we'll be able to see the full versions of these one day down the road...?

Friday, December 26, 2014

Seiten reviewed

So our usual japanese fellow already got his hands on the newest Grimoire, and left us with a few new pics, she's looking great so far~

See more pics here!

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Vanquished Queens 3 (4)

For the Wonderland poll, Grimoire's Alicia beat Gate's Alice with 71v-85% vs 12v-14%. Hm, I guess Alice didn't show her true roots until her novels came, right...?
So next poll, Seiten yay or nay? I wonder if our perception of her will change when the lucky japanese guys preview her in a day or two?

And now, we're resuming VQ3, download this installment here! My pal sure is on a roll with these credits... so what village has Izumi gone and made angry this time?


Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, y'all!

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Queen's Blade Rebellion Premium Visual Book

Edit: Apparently, buying Seiten at Toranoana will get you this poster... so maybe Melon Books will get another one? C´mon, not cooool...

For the poll about best armors, Leina won by a landslide with 60v-60%, then Ymir-Aldra-Menace with 16v/16%-7v/7%-5v/5%, then Nanael-Echidna-Risty with 5v/5%-4v/4%-2v/2%, and lastly a tie for final place between Claudette and Elina with 1v/1%. My partner sneakily chose the "show no results" option, was it harder to vote? Or, more exciting...?
So next poll, Wonderland duel of Alicia vs Alice, go~

So, remember when we released the "Shi" book? Well here's another one of these booklets, that actually predates that one by a bit, but eh :p

Download it from here (LQ) or here (HQ), and enjoy!

Next time, more VQ3!

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Vanquished Queens 3 (3)

Edit(12-12): Seiten previewed at last, translated the thing here~

On the latest poll about new artists, Takeda Hiromitsu and Mogudan took it with 13v-32% and 7v-17%, then Amami Takatsume and Syun Matsuena tied up for third place with 6v-15%, and lastly a tie with Yukimi and Hanaharu Naruco with 3v-7%, then last place for Bai Asuka with 2v-5%.
Then, next poll is about armors, not that easy now, is it...?

And so, one more installment, up for grabs here. Liliana's part ahoy! Probably my favoritest VQ so far, not for the reasons you might expect though. Oh, and lookie Sainyang down there, lol.


Thursday, December 4, 2014

Vanquished Queens 3 (2)

Last poll about Airi's true nature, "she's following orders" won with 44%-26v, then it was "kind, honest and misguided" with 37%-22v, and lastly an almost tie of "bad girl" and "polite evil" with 10%-6v and 8%-5v.
So next poll, the last preliminars of the "possible new artists", next time will be the semifinals...

And, we continue with more VQ3, feel free to grab it here! This time's the spotlight's on Yuit & Vante, who forego their ongoing VQ saga... or do they?
