
Saturday, October 30, 2021

Queen's Blade Unlimited Story: Chapter 10-1d

As spotted by our pal ajay, the Ikkitousen Extra Burst gacha announced a collab with Queen's Blade Unlimited in like 3 days: twitter! It's a fairly simplistic-looking game tho, so don't expect a whole lot out of it?

And, more chibis from the upcoming QB Limit Break, two more chibis:

And now that the gals are getting to Maramaks, we close the first of the three parts of the last chapter!


Beautiful Fighters Joining ~ Great Battle at Maramaks

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Queen's Blade White Triangle Event 2-2

For more Queen's Blade Limit Break news, two more chibis!

For the first event winner poll, Irma (spent time with a cat) took it with 8v-42%, next was Alle (learnt more about training) with 6v-32%, and tailing behind were Aldra (got a leaner pet) and Catboy (got to exercise) with 3v-16% and 2v-11%.
Eeeei, my Irma-chan wins for once! Hurray!

Since we're still guessing at QBLB's genre, a few more improbable genres?

And the rules of the event's tournament in question are revealed?


Saturday, October 23, 2021

Queen's Blade Unlimited Story: Chapter 10-1c(2)

One more chibi from QB Limit Break, Melpha:

Moving on with the story, Elina resolves to keep fighting despite Michel giving up...?


Thursday, October 21, 2021

Queen's Blade White Triangle Event 2-1

For more QB Limit Break news, Nowa's chibi was introduced! One chibi at a time!

For the poll about benefitting from training under Alleyne, Melpha won with 18v-50%, followed by Mirim's 10v-28%, and last was Izumi with 8v-22%.
Hm, a Melpha fit for combat who still was able to do Holy Poses, would that be overpowered...?

Next poll, we close the first event!

Here we start Leina's event, formally known as "Leina, Fired Up", casually known as "Lei's Topsy-Turvy Tourney"! Is it easily amongst the best events? Maybe!


Saturday, October 16, 2021

Queen's Blade Unlimited Story: Chapter 10-1b & 10-1c(1)

While the sisters are fighting in the other realm, what's our angel up to...?


Nanael’s Decision

Thursday, October 14, 2021

Queen's Blade White Triangle Event 1-5

No Queen's Blade Limit Break news since last week, but considering the autoattack and the focus on positioning, in the Discord we're entertaining the idea that instead of an auto-chess, it could be a tower defense game! Or is there any other possible genre we're overlooking...?

For the poll on training cats, Irma won easily with 14v-47%, while the rest were more or less group together with Nowa (7v-23%), Alleyne (5v-17%) and Elina (4v-13%).
Yaaay, my Irma-chan gets some recognition... though she'd probably be all tsundere about it :3

Next poll, training under Alleyne?

And here we finish the first event! (pity that you can't see the full pic well coz of the dialogue, oh well)


Saturday, October 9, 2021

Queen's Blade Unlimited Story: Chapter 10-1a(2)

For more Queen's Blade Limit Break chibis, it's the turn of Nanael!

And moving on with the story, what happens when Elina finally meets her sister in Maramaks...?


Thursday, October 7, 2021

Queen's Blade White Triangle Event 1-4

For news on QB Limit Break, there's a new giveaway contest going, we're already at 10k preregistrations, and we got visuals for Airi and Leina chibis:

For the poll on making your pet exercise, "has to stay in tip-top shape" won with 12v-63%, versus "can put on some weight" with 7v-37%.
Nice, Aldra would be proud of you as owners, lol.

Next poll, we kinda keep asking about this funky event!

And one more part of the event, can Catboy take the training...?


Saturday, October 2, 2021

Queen's Blade Unlimited Story: Chapter 10-1a(1)

The QB LB twitter posted what could be the first visual of chibi Elina in-game. Guess she looks more like an "auto-chess" unit in this one?

In any case, we start chapter 10 with Leina's troubles in the alternate world...!


Episode 10: Final Battle! End of the Beautiful Fighters! (Part 1)
The story so far...
Elina’s group was approaching Leina, who was still challenging the endless battle to seal the Demon within Maramaks.
Michel regained his memory: he had been a part of the Demon cut off by Leina, and albeit subconsciously, had intended to sacrifice the Beautiful Fighters and open the gate to Maramaks.
Brushing his struggles aside, Elina forcibly challenged Nanael into a battle and got her to open the forbidden gate in exchange for her victory, a spectacular feat.
Fight to the Death at Maramaks ~ Leina’s Predicament