
Thursday, June 25, 2020

Queen's Blade White Triangle Story 5-5b

For poll 7, 1 quickly rose, and 3 and 5 were neck and neck!

I do appreciate how every gal is getting at least 1 vote so far... but unfortunately for Hachi, Mirim, Eilin and Maron Makaron, that's the end of the road.

And we're reaching the end of the qualifier polls, fellas!

Now, part 2 of the springs ministory!
Fun fact: Avidemux was outputting the subs out of sync for some reason, so I had to change to Handbrake, you might notice colors are less bright now (you probably wouldn't, but eh).


Also, partner's gonna be busy for a couple of weeks so no vids alas! However, I'm arranging for some stuff for the coming weeks, can't leave you guys hanging :3

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Queen's Blade White Triangle Story 5-5a

Regarding bracket 6, although it started with 5 winning and a kind of a triple tie trailing behind, 4 quickly rushed forth!

And so, Nyx, Seiten, Tay-tay and our arachnid witch fell off our funky tournament.

Now, bracket 7 should bring us our last outlier...?

And here's the first half of the last Joan chapter. Hot springs time?


Thursday, June 11, 2020

Queen's Blade White Triangle Story 5-4

For bracket 5, the elephant in the room quickly took charge!

Well look at that triple tie there... but alas, it didn't help any of them, huh? So that's Despina, Aldra Rebellion, Mei and classic Aldra dropping out as well.

Next bracket (out of possibly 10), we've been seeing some animals recently, what's gonna be next, like a spider or something? Lol, as if.

And Joan comes to bring the pain!


Sunday, June 7, 2020

Queen's Blade White Triangle Exhibition (4/4): All Homes English Translation

And for the last, wholesome installment, here's what the girls were trying to say to you every time you logged in! (and when you poked them, lol)


(You might think I chose waifu on purpose for the thumbnail, but no, it was Youtube's default choice I'll have ya know :p)

Hope you liked this exhibition! See you in the next QB game, whenever that might happen!

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Queen's Blade White Triangle Story 5-3

Bracket 4 brings out this turn of events, that quickly settled into place:

Never would I have thought that polkadots would be losing that badly, and that the snake would be coming out on top... you guys sure showed me what's what, lol.
And so, 3 and 6 continue on, and Sainyang, Gretel, Joan and Nanael drop off.

Next poll brings us an elephant or two...?

In this next bit of chapter 5, the situation gets more or less solved, but then...!
