
Thursday, April 30, 2020

Queen's Blade White Triangle Story EX3-2

For the cleaner/hitman poll, Irma took it with 25v-59%, then it was Taki with 9v-21%, followed by Snow White with 5v-11%, and last was Sigui with 3v-7%.
Some people might have wondered about Snow White there, though her ruthlessness at killing did make for a convincing argument... yet I didn't expect her to beat Sigui, lol.

And we have a demonic little poll for ya fellas!

So, here's the original Airi in the flesh! Gotta warn ya, the scene references an event from Unlimited that you'll see in the OVA 3 (I wish we had proofreaders to help us release the story chapter before that, but...), where Airi is really put thru the wringer!


Thursday, April 23, 2020

Queen's Blade White Triangle Story EX3-1

Regarding the best singer poll, Tiina took the win with 24v-58%, followed by Luna Luna with 9v-21%, then Melpha with 5v-12% and Wonder Momo with 3v-7%.
Oh, what a pity, didn't Jean say that Melpha had a quite beautiful singing voice? Guess she couldn't stand up to our little mermaid and our exotic little lady...

New poll, this time it's about cleaners :3
Also, since PollDaddy (now CrowdSignal) insists on being asshats and cropping every single image, I just spent the last hour going thru seeeeveral poll-making sites trying to find one that lets you add pics to it and share it on your site... which apparently is something nigh-unheard of :S
Thankfully, the guys at OpinionStage were there to pick up the gauntlet, so I hope you fellas like how it looks.

And here we start original Airi's little world... tho it appears she's a bit shy to pop up?


Thursday, April 16, 2020

Queen's Blade White Triangle Story 4-5

For the sleeping on holiday poll, Nana's "slacking off all night" won with 19v-54%, followed by Maria's "sleep whenever" and Tomoe's "early to bed, early to rise" with 9v-25% and 4v-11%. After that, there were Risty's "crazy drunk" and Ymir's "get work done" with 2v-5% and 1v-2%, while Echidna's "can't sleep without a warm body next" got 0 votes.
Oh well, that's kind of what holidays are for, huh? Personally, I'm just wired to sleep little, so I get kinda jealous sometimes :p

Next poll is a funky thing about singers. You'll excuse me if I don't put up any pics of the candidates, but after spending like half an hour fiddling around with Crowdsignal's bullshit and not managing to get them to show any pic right (not even a gif, that was just fine the other week!), I just gave up :(
Update: we settled for a horribly cropped gif? Seriously not cool of them, but...

So after battling with Mei, what happens...?


Coming next, Airi EX! :3

Sunday, April 12, 2020

QBB Matches & Banter

Sup guys, I know we haven't posted much about QB Battle itself for a long time (what with Hobby Japan not releasing any new books), but that doesn't mean people have just forgotten about our original game!
Our fella Son of Tzeentch 9 sent me this vid he made fighting with pals, and tho I haven't watched it in its entirety yet, the beginning sounded promising enough to share it with you guys!

So, if you got one hour and a half to spare (and who doesn't these days), consider giving it a watch!

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Queen's Blade White Triangle Story 4-4

On the hardest problem for quarantined QB gals poll, "Elina without Big Sis" won by a landslide with 23v-63%, followed by "Risty without booze" with 7v-20% and "Melona without pranks" with 4v-11%.
Aww, blood is thicker than water, as it goes, huh...

Next poll comes inspired by sleepless nights (tm) everywhere :p

And the gang is ready to bring the fight to Mei...?


Thursday, April 2, 2020

Queen's Blade White Triangle Story 4-3

Unfortunately, the WT twitter basically closed up shop without ever showing us Tartomoe, Tartette, Tartechi and Tartowa, what can you do...

For the Tartars poll however, Melona won with 10v-19% followed by Menace and Elina with 9v-17%. Nyx and Melpha both followed with 6v-11%, Irma with 5v-9%, and last were Cattleya and Ymir with 3v-5%.
Yaay, that's 2 of my top three winning :3 Pity that Irma-chwan never gets much love...

Next poll, something that isn't inspired on any kind of global situation :p

Storywise, Mei keeps egging Leina on...?
