Edit (04/29):
ANN has the OVA's synopsis.
You'll excuse the kinda Smash Bros titling up there, lol, but... this month's HJ magazine finally announced the new addition to Queen's Blade Grimoire!
Can't get a grip on her artist just yet, but behold the beauty with glass slippers (not pictured) who also happens to be the last boss, the
Devil of Winter!!
Also, more info on the OVA 2! As we could pretty much figure, Tiina and Kaguya will be the main attraction, Liliana will also be appearing and the title will be something like: "Dance Around, Dreaming Little Mermaid". Voice actresses will be Saori Goto for Tiina, and Manami Tanaka for Kaguya.
Both coming this summer, more details as we can dig 'em up!